These Factors May Prevent A Woman From Getting Pregnant

The joy of marriage most people believe is having children. What happens when years after your wedding, you still haven’t gotten pregnant? When you decide as a couple it is time to have a baby and it is not forthcoming, you may be filled with fear as you think about a lot of things. Many people are able to get pregnant right away, but a lot more women have fertility issues. It is therefore very important to pay particular attention to your body, the way it works, and what may be affecting your fertility.

Below are a few factors affecting your chances of getting pregnant.

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1. Endometriosis
This condition causes 5 to 30 percent of the infertility cases and is caused by the overgrowth of the uterine lining outside the uterine walls. It can occur on the bladder, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and bowels. It can cause scarring, cysts on the ovaries, and prevent the egg from implanting in the uterus.
Symptoms include painful periods, pain with sex, heavy bleeding, or painful bowel movements with periods.
Feel free to consult your doctor once you notice any of these symptoms.

2. Poor diet and other Health Conditions
Obesity, being underweight, poor diet and hormone imbalances are some general health conditions that may affect pregnancy. If your body fat or BMI is over 10 to 15 percent of normal, your body may have too much estrogen and hamper fertility. If your body fat or BMI is 10 to 15 percent below normal, you may not have enough hormones to get pregnant. If you are not getting enough vitamins and nutrients to conceive, it is bad for you. Also, it is important to cut your consumption of alcohol and eat right. Hormone imbalances. If you have irregular periods due to hormonal issues, you may not ovulate on a regular basis. Hence, causing fertility problems.

3. Age
Delaying pregnancy is a common choice in today’s society but women should know that fertility begins to reduce significantly in their mid-30s. It declines even faster in the late 30s. The rate of being fertile actually reduces as you get older because fewer eggs remain in your ovaries. Blood tests are now available to determine your ovarian reserve.

4. Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Statistics have shown that a lot of women have a sexually transmitted disease and most times, they will not show any symptoms. It is also believed that women more often do not have any serious symptoms. This means that women can have an undetected STD and if left untreated can cause tubal scarring which could prevent them from getting pregnant.

5. Vigorous exercise
Working out helps keep you slim, strong, and full of energy and we all know that but the truth is, when you’re trying to get pregnant, do not overdo it: Exercising too much can have a negative impact on ovulation and it has been found out that normal-weight women who exercise vigorously for more than five hours a week have a harder time getting pregnant.

6. Smoking
Smoking can hurt a developing fetus, but it can also drastically affect a woman’s chances of getting pregnant in the first place. Smoking causes up to 13% of all infertility cases, according to a recent study. Cigarette smoke disrupts hormones and damages DNA in both men and women and it doesn’t have to be heavy smoking either. Women who smoke moderately or who are exposed to secondhand smoke can have disrupted endocrine function and can experience significant fertility issues.

About Esther Talk

Esther is a seasoned writer and broadcast journalist with years of experience in both media, print, and broadcast journalism. A graduate of Sociology/Anthropology with a passion for editing and journalism.

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