UI Change Of Course Form 2022/2023 Out – See How To Apply On www.admissions.ui.edu.ng

UI Change of Course Form 2022/2023 is out.
If you have seen UI departmental cut off mark 2022 and you did not meet it, then you might want to consider changing your course.
This is to inform the general public that The University of Ibadan (UI) has commence Change of Course/Department for candidates that scored up to the University cut-off off Mark and above in 2022/2023 academic session post UTME screening exercise but are yet to be admitted.
 UI change of course form 2018/2019

Interested candidates who sat for UI Post UTME 2022/2023 can now apply for Change of course/department.

I will like to tell you few things about UI change of course form 2022/2023.

Tips About UI Change Of Course Form 2022/2023

  1. Application for UI change of course form is attended to on a first-come-first-served basis.
  2. You need to meet the minimum of 50/100 aggregate score before you can apply for the Post UTME exercise
  3. Competitive courses like Medicine, Pharmacy, Law e.t.c will not be made available as the space for these departments will be filled up already.
  4. If you apply for Medicine initially and change to Chemistry, it is  not a guarantee of being given Chemistry. However, your chances of gaining admission increases with how fast you apply and how far you can go.
  5. Some candidates that applied for Medicine but were 1-2points below cut off mark and didn’t apply for change of course were later given Biochemistry, Physiology, Physiotherapy e.t.c However, this may not always be so.

NOTE: The change of course form is not yet out on UI portal. However, the procedure will still be the same as the last 2 years’.

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As soon as it begins, I will update this page. Drop a comment below to get the update first.


This is to inform candidates who scored 65% and above (Science and Technology) and 60% and above (Arts and Social Science) in the Pre-Admission Screening Exercise and are yet to be offered admission in their chosen most preferred course as a result of not meeting the cut-off point for the course, that they can now apply for change of course.

They should however ensure that their weighted score is not below the cut-off point of the course they are changing to. The Change of Course form can be accessed online on www.admissions.ui.edu.ng

Candidates are also advised to study carefully the subject combination and the O’L requirements for the courses they choose, to avoid being disqualified.

It should be noted that consideration for admission will be based on merit.

Please find below, courses where there are opportunities for change of course:



1. Forest Production and Products English Language, Chemistry, Biology/Agric Science and any one of Physics/Mathematics 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at two sittings to include: English Language, Biology / Agricultural Science, Chemistry, Mathematics and any one/two of Geography, Physics and Economics
2. Social And Enviromental Forest
3. Wildlife & Ecotourism Management
4. Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
5. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
6. Agronomy
7. Crop Protection & Environmental Biology (CPEB / Agriculture)
8. BOTANY English Language, Biology, Chemistry and any other Science subject. Mathematics / Physics. 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at 2 sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and any one or two of Physics, Geography and Agriculture Science.
9. ZOOLOGY English Language, Biology and two other Science subjects excluding Agricultural Science 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at 2 sittings to include English Language, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry and any other Science subjects.
10. Physics English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any of the following: Biology, Chemistry, Geography and Further Mathematics 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at two sittings to include: English Language, Mathematics, Physics and any two or three of the following: Biology, Chemistry, Geography and Further Mathematics
11. GEOGRAPHY (SOC.SC) English Language and any other three subjects from Arts or Social Sciences 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at English Language, Geography and any other subjects from Arts or Social Sciences.
12. VETERINARY MEDICINE English Language, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology 5 ‘O’ level Credit at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level Credit passes at two sittings to include: English Language, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, Biology and any other Science subject
13. WOOD PRODUCTS ENGINEERING English Language, Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. 5 ‘O’ level subjects at one sitting or 6 ‘O’ level subjects at 2 sittings to include English Language, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics with any ONE or TWO of the following subjects as the case may be; Biology, Agricultural Science, Further Mathematics, Technical Drawing, Economics, Geography, Metal Work and Wood Work.

Filling of change of course form will close on October 11, 2022.

Be informed that changing of course for UI admission 2019/2020 exercise is totally free, you don’t need to pay any amount to change course in UI.

You will be able to change your course on your dashboard as soon as the portal is open.

If you did not meet the department cut off mark for the initial course you chose and you have not been given admission, then you may want to apply for change of course.

 If you have any more question on “UI change of course 2022/2023“, then feel free to use the comment box below.

314 Comments on “UI Change Of Course Form 2022/2023 Out – See How To Apply On www.admissions.ui.edu.ng”

  1. The cut-off for medicine and surgery is 76.5. I had 70.8 . Dentistry and pharmacy are 70 and 61 respectively. I wish to change to either, advise.

    1. That’s the problem. You won’t be allowed to change into any of those courses when the change of course form is released. Both courses will not be included.

      You may try to go to UI admission office to see if you can get some help.

  2. I choose EKSU as 2nd choice but they don’t regard 2nd choice anymore. They have started releasing admission list(they are currently on the 2nd) can I change back?

      1. Thanks.
        That means I’ll need to be very fast with the changing.
        How long more will it take before this comes out and does it come out before any of the admission list comes out?

      2. I have a subject combination of Eng,Literature,Government, CRS. My aggregate is 65…what course can I possibly change to…i need an advice pls

        1. Which course did you chose initially? Wait for the change of course form to be released, then you’ll find a course that matches your subject combination.

          But, some courses you can change to are:

          Political Science
          Religious studies
          Theatre art e.t.c

          Anyone you meet the cut off mark. But, like I said, wait for the Change of course form to be released.

          1. I chose English language and literature initially but my aggregate of the seems to be lower than the cut off mark(70..)

            what about those Education courses… will they be available to change to?

            I heard that admission for COC is based on merit not first come first serve… pls confirm this

    1. With your experience, can you make a list of courses in the Faculty of Arts that are likely to be listed on the website for change of course in UI?

  3. plx sociology is 64.75,and i had 63.625……is it possible am giving anoda course……..without change of course,and will my name come out 1st list,if i am giving another course

  4. i got 57 in my post jamb i wanted to study english lang and lit, but the cut off mark is 70 pls which other can i change to when d change of course form is out

  5. What about the Educationally Less Developed States (ELDS)
    I don’t understand what that is talking about

    1. ELDS cut off mark is for candidates from states usually in the Northern part of Nigeria e.g Kaduna, Kastina, Sokoto, Benue , Borno e.t.c

      If you are not from any of the ELDS, then you have to meet merit to gain admission.

  6. Please my cutoff is 68 for physiotherapy but I have 66 can I be given another course without change of course.

    1. You may be given and may not be given. People who choose Medicine and didn’t meet the cut are usually the ones given another course like Physiotherapy, Biochemistry, Physiology e.t.c. It is not guaranteed you’ll be given.

      So, I’ll advise you to apply for change of course when it is out.

  7. Pls i choose edu/i.r.s nd i got 60.625,but d cut off mark is 62. Can i change my course to only I.R.S When d change of course form is out because the cut off mark for islamic studies is 60.5.
    i need ur advice pls.

    1. It varies with department and also varies with the performance of student that chose each course. From the cut off marks, you can predict which department is least competitive.

      As for the number admitted, it varies as each department have their own admission quota.

  8. Uhmm….z it sure for all students that initially chose medicine to get admission without change of course…..and based on ur experience, is physiology usually part of the courses that u can change to??

  9. Hey, I want to have a change of course to one under faculty of education. But I am 1.5 marks below the course I want. Would I still be picked?

  10. When will the courses I can change to be available?

    You said admission (for another related course) can be given to those who initially chose medicine but did not get up to the cut off mark,if a student who would have been given such admission changes course when the form is out what course would the person be given-that which would have been given or the other which the student newly applied for?

  11. Please I had 66 and I choose Mbbs initially…… Change of course forms is not out yet how will I change before admission list is released or if I change at jamb portal will it reflects at the school

    1. The change of course form will be released on UI undergraduate admission portal. Don’t make any changes on JAMB portal yet as it won’t change anything on UI portal.

      Change on UI portal, wait till you are admitted for the new course and then you can change on JAMB portal.

  12. my agrregate score is 51.625 and the cut off mark is 66.25 for political science can i still apply for a change of course to adult education.

  13. Law is 74.75 i got 71.75 among the courses that are made available for change of course purpose art subjects are not there can i change to another course which is not in the list eg library arcival and info studies

  14. can somebody who is expecting second batch admission still fill change of course form as double assurance

      1. For someone who scored 66.125 and so missed nursing cut of 70.5 for nursing. What is the chances of changing to biochemistry which is 63.5

        1. Biochemistry will not be available on the change of course form. UI may however give or not give you another health-related course like Biochemistry, Physiology. It’s a matter of chance.

  15. Pls i want to change to either art or education course but among the change of course u ave listed,am nt seeing any art or education subject.pls i need ur advice nd i scored 60.625 as my aggregate score

  16. Sir I had 55.125 as aggregate.. Can I change to zoology despite the fact that I didn’t have up to 65 to b able to change course.

  17. Sorry please I applied for English and literature. Didn’t meet the cutoff for merit and elds though I am from a northern state. Now I have gone to change my course on jamb to Russian language. Would I still be considered. Please I await your reply

          1. One more last question sir. I chose eng\literature. Didn’t meet the cut off for merit but I am from kebbi the cut off is 70 but I have 54.125. I decided to change to Russian on jamb. Will I still be considered that’s my question

          2. Cut off mark for Russian is 54.25, the fact that you are from ELDS doesn’t change anything.

            “Admission through change of course is based on MERIT”. Catchment area will not be considered.

  18. Pls what can i do mr sonneye saheed.pls hw can u help me out for god sake. i had 60.625 nd am an art student but i chose edu/irs but d cut off is 62 but among d course listed for change of course, there is no course i can change to because science nd only one social science course which is geography is listed.help me out sir.

  19. my course aggregate is 70 english nd literature,am having 67pls will ui give me another course or should i go for coc,pls are they still going to realise arts courses for coc cus am only seeing science courses there
    thank u

    1. They aren’t going to release art courses again. Those are the only ones that are available. Something similar happened last year too.

      If you have any course you can change to there, go for the change of course.

  20. Assuming somebody has an assurance that he will be admitted for a particular course with lower cut off mark but still doubting and he goes ahead for a change of course now will this thing not counter themselves and geopadize the admission also which course will they offer those who miss law narrowly

  21. Pls sir am an art student and i didnt meet the cut off mark for law because i had 72 in post utme and 67 as my aggregate. Pls can i still change to political science and b guaranteed admission?

  22. Please sir, I have 52.75 as aggregate score ..i choose botany which is 51.62..nd I have not been given admission… ND my requirements (I. e my waec results) is okay… Plus can I still change the course

  23. What if u are 0.5marks below the cut off mark? Is there any hope of admission? And if I apply for change of course will it affect the former admission??

  24. I chose English and literature didn’t meet cut off for merit and elds. I am from a northern state. Kindly advice me please

  25. Bro. i think if we log in to our portal, mbbs guys with high score like 74 even after they change to botany, they might still be given physiology maybe just for like 5 candidates only,
    I want to know if you have seen a case like that

    1. Some MBBS guys with close cut off aggregates last year were given other courses in the College of Medicine(they didn’t apply for Change of course).

      However, some were not given anything. Those that had close courses but changed course were given the course they changed to.

  26. pls I want to change course..if ui want to give me another course Nd dey c av changed course..will dey consider me fr d course dey want to give me or d course I changed to

  27. Bro, well-done. Please my younger sister scored 53.8 in d post utme applied for medicine & surgery, can she change to chemistry since she didn’t meet up with the cut off mark and what is the assurance that she will be admitted on merit. Thanks

          1. Please I scored 56.125 as aggregate and I applied for English and literature pls can I do change of course to education and political science

  28. Pls my questions are:
    1.I chose medicine and I had 72 whereas medicine is 76.5,Will I be considered for any of the courses in the college of medicine?Or I should apply for coc.
    2.On the coc form there is vet. medicine,If I apply for it,will I be able to transfer to medicine in the 2nd year since the subject to do is the same as that of medicine during the first year?Thanks.

    1. 1. You may still he given another course in the college of Medicine but the chance of being being is low.

      2. You can change to Vet Medicine but crossing is not feasible but possible. I mean crossing from any faculty other than College of Medicine to Medicine is not really an official thing, you may need to use connection.

  29. My aggregate is 71.375 and the cut off mark for communication and language arts is 72.75… Please do you think I can be given another course without having to change course seeing as there are only science courses up here

    1. Even though it’s close, the chances is low. Cut off mark is the aggregate of the last candidate they want to admit in that department.

      If you find any course you can change to, please do.

      1. So does that mean that art students will not be able to do change of course coz i cant find any art course in ui post abt coc

        1. Hi, please I checked my portal for d change of course… I’m in art class.. and I want to change my course from law to sociology but I didn’t see it on d list… dre is, in fact no course for art students, could there be a problem?

  30. my agg is 65.375 and cut off is 65.13 studying economics but my admission status is still showing not yet admitted should I do change of course

  31. plz my aggregate score is 55.25% and i applied for nursing, can i change course or is dere any chances dat i will b given another course?

  32. Does dis mean dat people who had 50% nd above nd didnt meet cut off will nt be considered for admission anymore

  33. Please I scored 64.125 as aggregate. Can I apply for change of course?
    How can one apply for change of course? The website.

  34. I logged in to my dashboard but I can’t see any thing like change of course form, what can I do?
    I need answers urgently please

  35. Pls if i try to go to u.i admission office because am nt seeing any course to change to as an art student nd i scored 60.625 but my course cut off mark is 62.if i go to u.i admission office,is there any solution to it or nt?

  36. i think ui is playing pranks here, i know some guys would have done theirs at the admissions office by now

  37. i actually applied for political science i scored 65.875 as agreegate score i am trying to change for sociology but i cant find it in the school portal since the cut off is less

  38. I applied for pharmacy and d cutt off mark is 61 and I had 60.25. can I change my course to agricultural extension and wat is d prob of getting d admission.


  40. its out already, i have done mine, it told me it has been updated succesfully, i clicked on print copy but it did not give me the file to print
    am i still safe without printing, though my change has been uploaded

  41. Plz can u give d steps in doing this COC? I clicked on it and it took me back to d admission login page. So what’s next after that?

  42. I scored 63.85 want to study law.but I can’t access change of corse form .what do I do now or is a hope they can give me another course.pls advice

  43. pls is linguistics with yoruba also the same thing as Yoruba..bcos I can only see Yoruba on d department cut off mark ND not linguistics with yoruba….pls anybody to help

  44. i am a art student an i apply for law but i score 60.1250 but my cut off for law is 74p but all d course listed is science course and i did not do any science related course if i apply will i be given admission and it is said that we should pick according to courses in 0’level (2)when will those who apply for change of course be given admission

  45. You said we don’t need to Change d course on jamb website until wen admission has been given,wen admission has been given hw would u now accept it on caps??

    1. After you’ve been admitted on JAMB CAPS, go and change it on JAMB portal. Then, you can print your admission letter.

      I said so to avoid changing when you’re not sure you’ll be admitted.

        1. It reflects on your JAMB CAPS portal even without changing. Once you change on UI portal and you are admitted, your new course reflects and shows you’ve been offered admission.

          You can now change after accepting it on JAMB CAPS so that you can print your admission letter.

  46. Aggregate scored,,, 58.625
    Course,,, History
    My ELDS….58.625…
    Benue state
    Should I wait or change course?

  47. 1).I did the change of course twice for botany and zoology….and they still said my data has been saved successfully in the two…
    Hope am safe please??
    2).Do you have any idea when they will start giving the admission for the change of course applicants??

    1. 1. I don’t think that should be a problem. You will be considered for one of them(most likely the second one)
      2. They’ve started giving admission to those who applied for change of course, keep checking your JAMB CAPS portal.

    2. I applied for zoology too, my CAPS has not changed, but someone said he has seen people who have been given zoology since Saturday

  48. I don’t see any arts course on the change of course site and I score 61.625 I choose law I don’t get it

  49. please can one change course in UI after admission like can I change from adult education to political science after I have been admitted?

      1. Pls I scored 56.75 ui lost utme 2019 theatre art, but below the cut off.
        Can I use
        English, govt. Literature and CRK to study archaeology?
        And pls give us update as soon as ,2019’s COC is out

  50. I scored 53.25 as my aggregate in UI post utme and I’m intending to change course but I’ve been on the portal numerous times but can’t find how I can change the course, pls help

  51. Pls I got 57.2 as my aggregate score but I choose medicine and surgery as my initial course, but now I want to change to geology, how will I change it, is it going to be from jamb portal or what? Pls I need the answer urgently

  52. how certain is this principle of 65% for sci and 60% for art for d point to be considere for change of course… because I am an art student and i have aggregate of 53.75 and I wish to change to any available educational course…..

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