Unique nicknames are a great way to make your boyfriend know how much you love him, what you feel about him, and perhaps the position he fills in your heart.

Ranging from pet names to general sweet names and names of Spanish/French origin, unique nicknames abound, and you could pick a befitting one for your boyfriend. All you need is to find out the exact name that fits his appearance, symbolizes how much you love him, signifies his nature, or gives an idea of his character.

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Therefore, we have come up with three categories of unique nicknames from which you can choose what best fits your boyfriend. You’ll as well find the meaning of each listed nickname, so you can figure out what is actually ideal for your man.


Unique Boyfriend Nicknames Which Reflect Talent/Manner/Hobby

Cute Nicknames for Boyfriend (with Meaning)


  1. Cheerleader

This is no doubt one of the unique names you can give your boyfriend to reflect something great about him. “Cheerleader” particularly implies that he is always there to back you. In anything you do, he is damn eager to show that you’ve got his full support. Because he turns up always and offers lots of encouragement, it may be right that you nickname him “Cheerleader.”

  1. Brainiac

“Brainiac” is a huge name –one of the unique names you could choose for your super brilliant boyfriend. If your boyfriend often brims with brilliant ideas, showcases brilliance in his speech or even the way he interacts with others, nicknaming him “Brainiac” may be worth it.

  1. Deepwater

Some guys are excellent at speech making; they’ve got the mental strength to hold lengthy and sensible conversations with just anyone, and probably on different subjects. Is your boyfriend one of such guys? Does he hold you spellbound with the way he holds lengthy conversations with you and others? If yes, why not nickname him “Deepwater?”

  1. Doodlebug

Some nicknames reflect talent or skill, such as excellent writing, singing, drawing, etc. “Doodlebug” is one of such nicknames, because it specifically implies somebody who is excellent at drawing. If your boyfriend loves making drawings, and seems to excel in this regard, please don’t shy away from naming him “Doodlebug.”

  1. Adorable

He is lovable. He brings affectionate vibes. Whenever you’re around him, you feel really great, probably because he has got charisma. If the latter sentences exactly describe your boyfriend, then you could call him “Adorable” or “Mr. Adorable.”

  1. Beethoven

Jack is an avid lover of music. He listens to music in the morning, afternoon and night. A day hardly goes by without him vibing to music, not just any music but classical music. If Jack is your boyfriend, do let him know he is some “Beethoven.”

  1. Funny Hunny

This might be the best name for your boyfriend who seems to amuse you and others always. He is dead funny. Whenever he is around, there’s just no dulling moment, because he’s got something hilarious to say or do. Naming that boyfriend “Funny Hunny” would be great.

  1. Foodie

Some people eat only little food, while some others eat a whole lot of food. Also, there are people who seem to love talking about food, or just anything related to food. A food-loving boyfriend could be nice to have. You may, though in a cheeky manner, let your food-loving boyfriend know that “Foodie” is a befitting nickname for him.

  1. Starbucks

Is coffee your boyfriend’s favorite drink? Can he go any length to get himself a cup of coffee? “Starbucks” may well be the perfect name for your coffee-loving boyfriend. Each time he craves coffee, cheekily remind him that he is “Starbucks.”

  1. Bookworm

He is ardent reader. When he picks up a novel, we surely know he’s going to finish reading it before dropping. He reads every day, and reading is now inseparable from him. If this is exactly how your boyfriend behaves, you should let him know “Bookworm” is the ideal name for him.


Unique Boyfriend Nicknames with French Origin

  1. Frappadingue

“Frappadingue” is the right unique name of French origin for a boyfriend that seems to do crazy things. Probably, he does his things in such an odd and amazing manner that one begins to think he is from a different world. If you so much love the French accent or French names in general, you should name your crazy boyfriend “Frappadingue.”

  1. Beau

“Belle” is for the beautiful girl, while “Beau” is for the handsome boy. Is your boyfriend noticeably handsome? Is everyone attesting that he is really handsome? You might want to let him know you’re very much aware of this, so “Beau” may be the ideal French name for him.

  1. Mon Coeur

A girl’s boyfriend may be the man she perceives as her heart. This may mean she feels about him the same way she feels about her heart. If she considers her heart fragile, she also considers her boyfriend fragile. Are you the girl in this picture? Why not name your boyfriend “Mon Coeur”? “Mon Coeur” is the French translation of “My heart.”

  1. Zeus

Leadership is a fantastic quality –one of the qualities of the genius. When some people get into groups, they readily showcase their potentials, and others in the groups begin to see them as potential leaders. Do you always feel your boyfriend has such potentials? Would you like giving him a suitable French name? Well, let him those in Paris would like to call him “Zeus.”

  1. Mon Ange

“Mon Ange” is the perfect French name for a boyfriend that makes your spirit feel protected, just the way a personal angel would. “Mon ange” translates into “My angel,” and we think it is the ideal name for your angel-like boyfriend.

  1. Mon Amour

Your boyfriend could be the love of your life, probably because you love everything about him. If you can’t help letting him know how much you love him, and if you think he would like a sweet-sounding French name, you may nickname him “Mon Amour.”

  1. Mon Grand

Is your boyfriend noticeably big? Does he like being perceived this way? If you’re really sure your big boyfriend wouldn’t be offended by this, you may give him the French name that befits his physique. And there’s no other name than “Mon Grand.”

  1. Doudou

“Doudou” sounds nice, just as all or most of the other French nicknames herein. “Doudou” translates into “Darling,” and we really think it’s a great name for your darling boyfriend.

  1. Mon Villain

Jerry often annoys. Again and again, he does things you don’t like. In simple words, he is naughty. Perhaps, you feel like giving him a nickname that reflects his manner, but you don’t want to do that in English. Why not consider the French nickname “Mon Villain?”

  1. Mon Roi

You boyfriend may be dominant in his sphere, manner, or in the way he treats you. If you’re really happy about this and would like that such dominance reflect in his nickname, then you should call him “Mon Roi.” It’s simply the French translation for “My King.”


Unique Boyfriend Nicknames with Spanish Origin

  1. Papi Chulo

If your boyfriend combines handsomeness in a powerful body, it may be cute that you give him a name that reflects such. And if you’d go the Spanish route, all because Spanish has got a truckload of romantic names, “Papi Chulo” is the befitting name for your boyfriend.

  1. Hermosa

For your handsome boyfriend to really feel you’re aware of his charming appearance, and that you so much adore it, you could give him a worthy name. If your boyfriend likes things of Spanish extraction in a way, you may say he is the kind of man those in Madrid call “Hermosa.”

  1. El Cerebro

Some people are so learned and sharp-witted that we can’t help telling them in a way. They are perhaps excellent at elocution, decision making, comprehension, etc. If your boyfriend is one of such people, tell him he is the type Spaniards call “El Cerebro.”

  1. Papá

Some boyfriends, or more respectfully man friend, are old enough to father their girlfriends. If you’ve got one of them as boyfriend, and you sometimes feel like a daughter around him, you shouldn’t shy away from naming him “Papá.”

  1. Mi Amor

Is Philip the love of your life? Do you feel like loving him again and again? Now, you may think it is right to give him a name that makes him feel loved; a Spanish name that exactly reflects that you hold him dear in your heart. “Mi Amor” is that name.

  1. Mi Tesoro

You boyfriend could be the man you cherish so much. Each time you have him by your side, you probably feel like you’re in possession of something you can’t let go of. If this is exactly what you have to say about your boyfriend, then we’re right to call him your treasure. Why not give him “Mi Tereso” which is the exact Spanish name for somebody of his kind?

  1. Bonito

“Bonito” is the ideal Spanish name for your boyfriend if people, girls and boys, men and women, often think he is attractive, and you too can’t help but think this way. Except he doesn’t fancy things of Spanish extraction whatsoever, your attractive boyfriend is very likely to admire being called “Bonito.”

  1. Mi Alma

You may be so connected to some guy that if he leaves you, it feels like you’re as good as dead. We might regard such a guy as your soul, and if you do agree with us, nothing should stop you from naming him “Mi Alma.”

  1. Mi León

Does your boyfriend feel like a lion, and probably the way you like? For any girl, admirer of attractive Spanish names, whose boyfriend exudes the character of the lion, “Mi León” is most likely the best name to give.

  1. Pollito

If Kelly seems to have a small body, and you think he wouldn’t be offended if you called him a name reflecting such, Spaniards think you should name him “Pollito.” This is simply the attractive Spanish name for your small-bodied guy.



What are the top Spanish nicknames for boyfriends?

Spanish has got an endless array of sweet-sounding names one may choose to call one’s boyfriend. Depending on your boyfriend’s appearance, his character or how you feel about him, here are the recommended Spanish nicknames for him:

  • Papá(A suitable name to give your “man friend” who appears fatherly or old)
  • Hermosa(An ideal name for a handsome guy)
  • Pollito(A cute name for a guy with a small body)
  • Papi Chulo(An attractive name for a man who combines power and handsomeness)
  • Mi León(A name which translates into “My Lion”)
  • Mi Amor(A name for somebody you regard as your love)
  • Mi Tesoro(A name for somebody you treasure)
  • Mi Alma(A name which translates into “My Soul”)
  • Bonito(An ideal name for an attractive guy)
  • El Cerebro(A perfect name for a learned and sharp-witted guy)

What are the top French nicknames for boyfriends?

French is one of the languages with nice names for differing people, including guys. Some of the suitable French names to give your boyfriend are:

  • Beau(A nice name for a handsome guy)
  • Mon Coeur(A name which translates into “My Heart”)
  • Mon Grand(An ideal name for a big guy)
  • Doudou(The French translation of “My Darling”)
  • Mon Roi(A name which translates into “My King”)
  • Zeus(The perfect name for somebody considered a leader)
  • Mon Villain(French translation of “My Naughty”)
  • Mon Ange(A sweet name for somebody considered one’s angel)
  • Frappadingue(The perfect name for a crazy boyfriend)
  • Mon Amour(French translation of “My Love”)

What are the other unique nicknames for boyfriends?

You can consider several other unique boyfriend nicknames such as the following:

  • Adorable
  • Bookworm
  • Brainiac
  • Beethoven
  • Cheerleader
  • Funny Hunny
  • Starbucks
  • Foodie
  • Doodlebug
  • Deepwater



Sweet-sounding nicknames seem to go well with lots of men, and this is why women may have to give their men the right nicknames same way men do to women.

We believe you’ve found the right nickname for your boyfriend. You must also have learnt the meaning of the name even if it is of Spanish or French origin.

But if you think we didn’t include the category of boyfriend nicknames you’re looking for, you may tell us about it in the comment section. And if you have a list of cute or unique boyfriend nicknames, you may share it with us.




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