50 Questions and Answers on Government for Senior Secondary School Students (I-111)

Government s a complex political institution, laws, and customs through which the  function of governing is carried out.


Here are over 50 Questions and Answers on Government for Senior Secondary School Students (Class-I)

1. Which of the following best defines government as an institution of a state? A. Machinery established for exercising political power B. An institution established for class struggle C. A process of organizing societal values D. The art through which political parties are manage

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2. The most visible feature of a state is A. Compulsory membership
B. Written constitution C. Defined geographical territory
D. Sovereign power
3. Which of the following is a reason for studying government?
A. knowledge of the rights of the individual B. Acquisition of skills to work in a state-owned industry C. Helps the individual to form a pressure group D. Enables citizens to vote during election
4. Government refers to all the following EXCEPT A. An academic field of study B. A process of making and enforcing laws C. An institutions made up of people with common interest D. An organization group of people that formulate policies
5. All the following are experienced by a community without government EXCEPT A. Insecurity B. Planned development C. Lawlessness
D. Political anarchy
6. As an academic field the study of government does not include
A. Political economy B. Comparative politics C. Public administration D. Ecological interaction
7. Which of the following systems of government is authoritarian in nature A. Capital system B. Facism C. Republicanism
D. Constitutional monarchy
8. The system that allows the opposition to participate in government is A. Dictatorial B. Collectivism C. Aristocratic D. Democratic
9. Which of the following hinders the establishment of a representative government in a state A. Mass illiteracy B. Existence of pressure group C. Vibrant political culture D. Independent electoral commission
10. Which of the following is NOT an attribute of a state A. Definite territory B. Population C. Government D. Common language
11. In a democracy, political sovereignty is vested in the A. Judges
B. People C. Legislature D. Executive
12. According to Charles Montesquieu, the theory of Separation of Powers is to prevent A. Influence B. Authority C. Power
D. Arbitrariness
13. Decentralization is a common feature of A. Totalitarian system of government B. Federal system of government C. Unitary system of government D. Fascist system of government
14. Bye-laws are made through A. Delegated legislature B. Executive instrument C. Presidential order D. Emergency power
15. Conventions are mostly used by states that have A. A large number of illiterates B. A lot of people not interested in political activities
C. Unwritten constitution D. Rigid constitution.
16. One advantage of a flexible constitution is that it A. can lead to dictatorship B. Can easily be manipulated C. Is best suited for a federation D. can be amended by a simple majority
17. A constitution that requires complicated procedure for its amendment is A. rigid B. Flexible C. Written D. Unwritten.
18. Government is defined as a agency established to manage the affairs of A. Rulers B. Foreigner C. The state D. All workers
19. A function of government is A. Controlling electoral commission
B. Organizing pressure groups C. Making of laws D. Forming political parties.
20. Government maintains law and order through the following EXCEPT A. Police B. Immigration C. The legislature D. Prison service
21. According to Karl Max, socialism developed as a consequence of the evils of A. Monarchy B. Communalism C. Feudalism D. Capitalism
22. A system of government which is based on public ownership of means of production and distribution are called A. Socialism B. Capitalism C. Feudalism D. Oligarchy
23. Which of the following is NOT a feature of a state? A. Sovereignty
B. Government C. Mass media D. Territory
24. Acceptability of the government in power by the governed is known as A. Legitimacy B. Sovereignty C. Democracy D. Authority.
25. For democracy to be sustained in a country it needs a A. Rich political leaders B. Well-informed electorate C. Partial electoral commission D. Large police force
26. Which of the following agents can be considered as the most effective agent of socialization? The A. Family B. Peer group C. School
D. Mass media
27. The theory of separation of powers was propounded by A. A.V. Dicey B. Max Weber C. Charles Montesquieu D. Gabriel Almond
28. A constitution is considered to be flexible if it A. Can be amended by a simple majority B. Can be altered through special procedure
C. Requires two third majority D. Is difficult to amend.
29. Which organ of government is saddle with the responsibility of law making? A. Legislature B. Executive C. Judiciary D. Ombudsman
30. The execution and implementation of law is performed by
A. Judiciary B. Civil societies C. Executive D. Legislature
31. The act of compelling an individual to get things done with the use of threat is ________ A. Power B. Authority C. Legitimacy
D. Sovereignty
32. The legal right granted to an individual to enforce power is called _____ A. Government B. Authority C. Power D. Political socialization
33. Which of the following is NOT a form of power? A. Military power
B. Political power C. Herorist power D. Economic power
34. The following are sources of political authority EXCEPT A. Legal rational B. Traditional authority C. Charismatic authority
D. Institutional Authority
35. The acceptance and recognition of government by the citizens is called ____ A. legitimacy B. Sovereignty C. Advocacy D. Oligarchy
36. The following are factors that determine legitimacy EXCEPT A. Bad government B. Good governance C. Respect for customs and traditions D. Periodic free and fair election
37. Legitimacy encourages ____ in government A. Stability B. Instability C. Centralization D. Decentralization
38. The first political philosopher who practiced sovereignty is _____
A. Jean Bordin B. A. V. Dicey C. Thomas Hobbes D. Frederick Lord Laggard
39. The legal authority a state have to make and enforce laws is called
A. Authocracy B. Sovereignty C. Democracy D. Force
40. The limitations of sovereignty include the following EXCEPT
A. Constitutional limitations B. International law C. Multiplicity of associations D. All of the above
41. The system of government in which the people exercise their franchise is _____ A. Capitalism B. Democracy C. Aristocracy D. Plutocracy
42. Which mode of democracy does government actions always advances the interest and welfare of the people? A. Communist model B. Non-communist model C. Authoritarian model D. Military mode
43. The non-communist mode of democracy was first practiced in
A. Rusia B. Greek C. Rome D. Australia
44. Which of the following is NOT a feature of democracy? A. Rule of law B. Political equality C. Majority D. Decree
45. Who propounded political culture? A. Gabriel Almond B. Thomas Hobbes C. Nelson Mandela D. John Locke


46. The beliefs, attitude and pattern of orientation of the people toward politics is called A. Political Evaluation B. Political culture
C. Political socialization D. Political equality
47. Which of the following is NOT a components of political culture?
A. Cognitive orientation B. Evaluative orientation C. foreign orientation D. Affective oreitnation
48. The first political philosopher to practice sovereignty is ______ A. A. V. Dicey B. Jean Bordin C. Aristotle D. Osama Bin Ladin
49. The principle that gurantee the sharing of power and functions between the arms of government is _____ A. Check and balance
B. Separation of power C. Statutory principle D. Dictatorship
50. An economic and political system in which the state manages and controls all activities is described as A. Capitalism B. socialism
C. Welfarism D. Federalism

1a. Define government
b. List and explain any five functions of government

2a. Differentiate between power and authority
b. State three ways of acquiring political authority

3a. What is legitimacy?
b. List and explain three ways of acquiring legitimacy

4. Discuss government as an academic field of study

5a. Differentiate between political culture and political socialization
b. State FIVE agents of socialization

6a. Define capitalism
b. Highlight FIVE features of capitalism

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