Basic Technology Exam Questions for JSS1, JSS2 & JSS3

Basic Technology Exam Questions

Basic Technology Exam Questions for JSS1, JSS2 & JSS3

These Basic Technology Examination questions have been compiled to serve as a reference material to aid teachers set tests and examination questions without much stress.
School tutors will find it very helpful  in revision and exam preparation.

Class: JSS 1    Subject: Basic Technology

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section

  1. Technology is not a new thing to us, it is as old as ____ (a) man (b) university (c) Uyo
  2. ____ is the use of scientific knowledge for the development of human life (a) technology (b) basic education (c) creative art
  3. ____ is the benefit of technology (a) it saves time (b) it wastes time (c) it kills man
  4. There is the developed technology and the ____ technology (a) under developed (b) serious (c) every day
  5. The use of hoe, knives, cutlasses, axe, is the characteristic of _____ technology (a) under developed (b) serious (c) every day
  6. ____ makes communication easier and faster (a) car (b) GSM phone (c) train
  7. _____ helps in designing graphic work and storing of data (a) fertilizer (b) computer (c) radio
  8. One of these is a life application of technology (a) playing (b) medicine (c) shouting
  9. _____ is a way of protecting ourselves from danger (a) marriage (b) safety (c) dancing
  10. Anytime a student get his herself injured in the workshop, it means there is an ____ (a) electron (b) accident (c) action
  11. ____ is phenomenon in which combustible materials containing carbon, react chemically with the oxygen in the air to produce heat (a) radio activity (b) sun (c) fire
  12. There are ____ basic types of fire (a) three (b) four (c) two
  13. _____ is a part of tree (a) metal (b) iron (c) root
  14. _____ is obtained from tree (a) metal (b) solid (c) wood
  15. Materials are classified into two groups namely metal and ______

Section B

Answer three (3) questions only from this section

  1. Mention four benefits of technology
  2. Define technology
  3. State four life application of technology
  4. What is safety
  5. Mention four safety devices

These Basic Technology Examination questions have been compiled to serve as a reference material to aid teachers set tests and examination questions without much stress.
School tutors will find it very helpful  in revision and exam preparation.

Class: JSS 2    Subject: Basic Technology

Instruction: Answer all questions in this section

  1. ____ communication system can send signals from one location to another (a) analog (b) computer hardware (c) computer software
  2. One of the signals used in analog communication is (a) amplitude modulation radio signal (b) analog signal (c) digital signal
  3. GSM means ______
  4. One of the key features of GSM is the _____ (a) subscriber identify module (SIM) (b) recharge card (c) battery
  5. ________ is a computer worldwide information network (a) internet (b) computer (c) hardware
  6. An analog signal is a ____ varying wave form that is similar to a voice (a) digital (b) continuous (c) software
  7. _____ is a container where materials used to give simple medical treatment before the arrival of a doctor are kept (a) cabin (b) first aid box (c) waste basket
  8. ____ is a treatment given to a patient to sustain him before the arrival if a doctor (a) vaccine (b) first aid (c) malaria injection
  9. _______ is used to cut bandage, plaster etc (a) machete (b) scissors (c) spade
  10. _____ is applied on to a fresh wound so that it can heal up fast (a) plaster (b) penicilline (c) scissors
  11. ______ is used in making our doors, windows and roofing of our houses (a) tree (b) cement (c) wood
  12. ____ are plastics which become soft when they are healed (a) Gepee hank (b) tray (c) thermoplastics
  13. _____ contain iron oxide (a) chlorine (b) magnesium (c) red clay
  14. The basic material for the production of ceramics is ____ (a) rubber (c) paper (c) clay
  15. When two straight lines meet at a point, an ____ is form (a) object (b) organ (c) angle

Section B

Answer three (3) questions only from this section

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  1. ICT is an acronym that stand for _________
  2. What is internet?
  3. What is first aid? (b) list three first aid materials
  4. What is thermoplastics?
  5. Mention five types of angles that you know

These Basic Technology Examination questions have been compiled to serve as a reference material to aid teachers set tests and examination questions without much stress.
School tutors will find it very helpful  in revision and exam preparation.

Class: JSS 3    Subject: Basic Technology

Instruction: Answer all question in this section

  1. _______ is a clear way of presenting information about the physical outlook of an object (a) isometric drawing (b) geometric drawing (c) orthographic drawing
  2. One of these is a shape of an acute angle (a) < (b) (c) L
  3. One of these is shape of an isosceles triangles (a) (b)         (c)
  4. ____ is a shape whose lateral faces are rectangles (a) right prism (b) prism (c) pyramid
  5. ______ is a right if its attitude coincides with the axis and it is oblique if it does not coincide (a) right pyramid (b) prism (c) right prism
  6. Draw a right angle shape
  7. ______ is the method of producing the drawing of an object so that it can be fabricated accurately (a) isometric drawing (b) orthographic drawing (c) projection
  8. When the projection rays are perpendicular to the plane, the projective method is called ____ (a) isometric (b) orthographic (c) projection
  9. ____ is a method of producing the drawing of an object in which the project lines are inclined at 450 to the horizontal plane (a) isometric (b) oblique (c) orthographic
  10. ____ are vertical lines which are parallel (a) broken lines (b) perpendicular lines (c) straight lines
  11. A drawing showing three faces of an object or actual outlook of an object is known as (a) end view (b) front view (c) pictorial view
  12. Linear motion is a motion on a ____ line (a) thin lines (b) broken lines (c) straight
  13. ______ is an equipment used to convert voltages from one value to another, either upward or downward (a) circuit breaker (b) electric pole (c) transformer
  14. There are _____ types of insulator in common use (a) four (b) three (c) two
  15. _____ is a special designed switch, for making and breaking the normal current in an electrical system (a) transformer (b) sub-station (c) circuit breaker

Section B

Answer three (3) questions only from this section

  1. What is isometric drawing
  2. Draw pentagon, hexagon and heptagon
  3. Define transformer
  4. Mention three types of insulator that you know
  5. Mention different types of motion that you know

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