Geography Examination Questions for Secondary Schools 2020(Updated)

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These Exam Questions and Answers were compiled to serve as a reference material to help teachers set tests and examination questions.School pupils/tutors will find it very helpful in revision and exam preparation.


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1. ______ industnes deal with obtaining resources or raw materials in their natural state A. Light B. Heavy C. Primary D. Secondary
2. All the things we do to produce goods and provide services to make profit are known as _____ A. Market B. Business C. Industry
D. Work
3. Manufacturing industries are _____ industries A. Primary B. Secondary C. Tertiary D. Quaternary
4. ________ industries render services A. Quaternary B. Tertiary C. Secondary D. Binary
5. _____ industries employ the services of mainly women A. Heavy B. Quaternary B. Light D. Primary
6. ________ is an example of a quaternary industry A. Peacock paints
B. Poultry farming C. Scientific Research Institute D. Tranquility Hotels
7. Secondary Industries that deal on heavy or bulky products are known as _____ industries A. Consumer good B. Light C. Heavy D. Primary
8. Bulky goods should NOT be located near to their material location True or False
9. ________ is NOT a factor of industrial location A. Nearness to source of raw material B. Availalbility of capital C. Weather condition D. Political stability
10. Tax incentives and credit facilities are some of the _____ that encourage location of industries A. Capital B. Politics
C. Government policies D. Market policies
11. _____ Raffia, cotton and dyestuff are raw materials of the ____ industry A. Pottery B. Leather C. Febre D. Metal
12. _______ is a product of pottery A. Mat B. Woven clothes C. Pots D. Chair
13. _______ is the raw material used to make leather goods A. Raffia B. Cotton C. Clay D. Sheep skin
14. Metal work products commonly found in ________in Nigeria A. Abuja B. Ikot Ekpene C. Bida D. Akwete
15. Various brands of beers are produced in Industries known as _____ A. Pharmacies B. Breweries D. Hotels D. Studios
16. ____ is a major raw material for use in textile industries A. Barley B. Cotton Kenaf C. Limestone D. Gypsum
17. ______ is a factory industry in Nigeria located in Ajaokuta A. Chemical and Petrochemicals B. Textile C. Iron and Steel D. Soft drinks.
18. Motorvehicle and motorcycle assembling industries can be found in ________ A. Port Harcourt B. Ajaokuta C. Kaduna D. Euekoro
19. Industries in the pittsburg industrial region in U.S.A include mining, chemical, _________ and heavy engineering A. Textile B. Breweries
C. Glass making D. Soft drinks
20. ________ is one of the factors that makes southern Japan a favourable location for industries A. Central location B. Skilled labour C. Use of modern machinery D. Presence of good coastline for port development
21. _______ is an advantage of localization of industries A. Traffic congestion B. Housing congestion C. Provision of social amenities
D. Environmental pollution
22. _____ is NOT a factor that determines the concentration of manufacturing industries in developing countries A. large market B. Availability of raw materials C. escalation in crime rate D. Availability of capital
23. The full meaning of GIS is _____ A. Geographic information survey B. Geographic information system C. Geography information and science D. Geological information survey
24. The first known use of the term GIS was by ________ in 1968
A. Benny Hinn B. Abraham Lincoln C. Roger Tomlinson D. Marine Curie
25. Geographic data refers to any data which possesses ____ characteristics A. Physical B. Locational C. Environmental D. Atmospheric
26. ________ is a primary source of geographic data A. Maps B. Printed documents C. Field work D. Coordinate geometry data
27. ____ is the term used to associate a physical map with a spatial location through the use of co-ordinates A. Capture B. Georeferencing C. Manipulation D. Data analysis
28. In the ______ data model, pictures on the earth are represented as points, lines and polygons A. Raster B. Vector C. Attribute D. Aerial
29. _____ component is the computer in which the GIS operates A. Software B. Hardware C. People D. Methods
30. A graphic user interface (GUI) is a key component of the GIS software True or False
31. _______ is NOT an application software A. Spreadsheet B. Word processors C. computer games D. Operating system drivers
32. Positional data are _______ A. Used to store records and information B. Predominantly data that involves location of features in space C. Attribute data D. Data that are stated on attribute tables
33. Rivers are NOT derived from _________ A. Lake B. Surface overland flow from excess ramivater C. Swimming pool D. Meltwater from glaciers
34. The _______ of a river is usually found in mountainous or hilly regions A. Tertiary B. Upper C. Middle D. Lower
35. The main function of a river at the middle course is _____ A. Erosion B. Transportation C. Deposition D. Costal flooding
36. _______ is a feature found at the upper course of a river A. Pot holes B. Delta C. Oxbow lakes D. Meanders
37. The gradient is more gentle, leading to a reduced velocity” This explains ________ of a river A. Upper course B. Middle course C. Intermediate course D. Lower
38. The main function of the upper course of a river is _______ A. Transportation B. Deposition C. Flooding D. Erosion
39. At the lower course of a river the river enters into a sea through a _____ or estuary A. Pot hole B. Waterfall C. Oybuo lake D. Delta
40. The river enters the sea through one channel through _____ A. Delta B. Estuary C. Coast D. Beach
41. When river piracy occurs, the victim stream is known as _____ A. Dry zone B. Windward side C. Misfit river D. Elbow of capture
42. River piracy is a feature that occurs in the ____ course of a river
A. Modle B. Tertiary C. Upper D. lower
43. _____ is a process that can be likened to chemical weathering
A. Corossion B. corassion C. Hydraulic action D. Allsition
44. In Abrasion, rock pieces are used as chisels to continue leading to ____ of valleys A. Stretching B. Beautifying C. Widening and deepening D. Extension

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Study the diagram below and indicate the river transportation method where numbers have been labeled

45. In River deposition _____ are laid first and spread into the sea as bottom set beds A. sit B. Clay C. Sand D. gravel
46. Rivers serve as centers for tourist attraction and generate foreign exchange True or False


1. Identify THREE differences each between heavy industries and light industries
b. State THREE factors that determine the concentration of industries in developing countries
2. Draw an outline of the map of Nigeria. On this map
a. Show and name
i. The southeast Industrial zone
ii. The North Central Industrial Zone
iii. The Western Industrial zone
b. Indicate at least one state each in each of these regions
c. Show at least one product produced in each of these regions

3a. In the Pittsburg (Eastern U.S.A) Industrial Region, the rahrwestphalic Industrial region (Germany) and the industrial region of souther Japan. Identify the determinant factors that favour industrialization that are similar to all the three regions
b. Mention at least two industries in each of these regions

4a. State five contributions of the industrial sector to economic development
bi. Mention two problems of manufacturing industries in tropical Africa
ii. Proffer solutions to the mentioned problems.

5a. State NINE uses of GIS and Geographic data
6a. With the use of diagrams, discuss the formation of an ox-bow lake (indicate all the four stages with written explanations underneath).
b. The power of a river is desired from ___________ & _______________

7a. State SIX importance of rivers to man
b. Expantiate on these terms
(i) Saltation (ii) hydraulic action (iii) Attrition

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