Basic Technology Examination Questions and Answers for Junior School students (JSS3)


SUBJECT: Basic Technology TIME: 2 ½HOURS


Instructions: Answer all questions in SECTION A and FIVE questions in SECTION B. marks will be awarded to neatness in draughmanship . Each question in Section A is followed by four options, choose the correct option for each question and shade the correct answer corresponding to the option you have chosen in your answer sheet.

1. All these are engineering materials EXCEPT _____ A. Plastic and rubber B. Wood C. Metal D. Ductility
2. One of the following is NOT a ceramic product A. Gravel B. Glass C. Water closet D. Tiles

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3. Highly developed technology makes use of the following EXCEPT _____ A. Mower B. Grinding machine C. Hoe D. Pay loader

4. In isometric drawing ____ are laid out along the three axes A. Length and depth B. Length and width C. Length and height D. Length, width and height

5. Drawing paper is placed squarely the drawing board with the aid of _____ A. tee-square B. Scale rule C. Set-square D. template

6. Which of the diagram below represent the plan of the object below?

A. B. C. D.

7. Which of these plastics can be remelted A. Plasticine B. Synthetic C. Thermoset D. thermoplastic
8. The angle of inclination of an oblique solid drawing is ____ A. 900 B. 300 C. 600 D. 450

9. Which of these element emits electrons in diode valve? A. Cathode B. Heater C. Triode D. Anode

10. One of the difference between rubber and plastic is that rubber is more A. Tougher B. Cheaper C. Elastic D. Malleable

11. In the diagram above, the view pointed by the arrow to part “A” is known as _____ view A. Plane B. End C. Plan D. Front

12. Identify vertex from the plane figure drawn below

13. The method of boring holes on a material is referred to as ____ A. Forging B. Drilling C. Upsetting D. Casting

14. All of the following are good reasons for wood finished EXCEPT ____
A. Hygiene B. Varnishes C. Decoration D. Beauty.

15. The following are materials for good wood finished EXCEPT ____ A. Vanishes B. Polish C. Valium D. Creosote

16. Which of the following is a rhomboid

A. B. C. D.

17. A rectifier is a device used to A. Covert high voltage to low voltage B. Convert alternating current to direct current C. increase current flow D. Stabilizes flow of electricity

18. Maintenance of all engineering systems is mainly to _____ A. Prevent machine from making noise B. Allow machine to last forever C. Keep machine in good working condition D. Makes the machine to move at high speed

19. Another name for synthetic rubber is A. Plastic B. Latex C. Nylon
D. Elastic

20. The electronic device that convert AC to DC is called _____ A. Diode
B. Resistor C. Inductor D. Transistors

21. On the component drawn above letter K represents _____ A. Emitter B. Base C. Collector D. Palarise
22. Electron strucks on material surface to product light is referred to a ____ emission A. Field B. Thermonoic C. Photo D. Secondary
23. An electronic device that amplifies current in a circuit is called ______ A. Inductor B. Transistor C. Diodes D. Triode
24. The portion on the drawing paper set aside for necessary information such as size, name, date of drawing is called the ____ A. Title block B. Margin space C. Information table D. Drawing space
25. The hand tool drawn below is basically used for ____ A. Packing B. Rendering C. Digging D. Filing

26. The number of principal planes of projection in orthographic drawing is ____ A. 5 B. 4 C. 3 D. 2

27. Which of the following symbols represents a transistor?

A. B. C. D.

28. A simple of wood weighs 60g before and 40g after drying. What is the percentage moisture content of the wood? A.250% B. 150% C.100% D. 50%
29. The type of maintenance carried out by a man who often sends his car for servicing is known as ____ A. Corrective B. Predictive C. Preventive D. Overhauling
30. In forged work, the device used in producing heat is called _________ A. Blast furnace B. Kiln C. Oven D. Electric arc
31. A method by which electrons are liberated by the use of light is called ____ A. Secondary emission B. Photo-electric emission C. Primary emission D. Thermionic emission
32. Which of the following is NOT a safety process in the workshop? A. Wear goggle when grinding metal B. Weld in a well ventilated area
C. Put sharp edge object around working area D. Do not remove chips while machine is on.
33. The figure shown below is ______ A. Polygon B. Prism C. Pyramid c. Tetrahedron

34. Which of the following serves as binding agent in concrete? A. Cement B. Sand C. Store D. water
35. The following methods are used for processing plastics EXCEPT ____ A. Calendering B. Moulding C. Vacuum D. Injection

36. The purpose of maintenance on engineering equipment is to ____ A. Keep it in god working condition always B. Enable it to last forever C. Prevent it from making loud noise D. Stop it from working too long Use the sketch below to answer question 37 and 38

37. The diagram above illustrates _____ system in a vehicle A. Clutch
B. Brake C. Wheel D. Disc
38. The part labeled B is called ___ A. Disc B. Brake C. Brakelining
D. Brake fold
39. The device that disconnect or joins two revolving shafts during gear change is called ____ A. Drum B. Wheel C. Clutch D. Axle
40. In the diagram below part P indicates the A. Shaft B. Clutch C. Plate D. Gear box

41. Which of the following is used for hidden details?

A. B. C. D.

42. Identify the chord in the circle drawn below

43. The drawing that accurately describes shape and size of an object is a/an ____ projection A. Axonometric B. Isometric C. Orthographic D. Oblique
44. The part marked “X” in the diagram below is

A. Vanishing point B. Station point C. Ground line D. Picture plane

45. Safety “First” means A. care of tools and self B. Care of tools and equipment C. Care of tools, self and others D. working procedures
46. The process of breaking a log into marketable size is called ____ A. Conversion B. felling C. Lamination D. Seasoning
47. The following are marking, measuring, testing and setting tool EXCEPT ____ A. Chisel B. Try square C. Sliding level D. Rule
48. Any substance that is applied between two moving bodies in contact to reduce friction is referred to A. Air B. Fluid C. Lubricant D. Water
49. A straight line is the shortest distance between ____ points. A. Four
B. Three C. Two D. One
50. In the diagram shown below, rotary motion is changed to ____ motion.

A. Angular B. Linear C. Translatory D. Oscillatory




1a. Define the term electro-emission in an electric appliance
b. enumerate FOUR types of electronic devices with their uses and symbols.

2a. Differentiate between the processing of plastics and rubber
b. List THREE methods of processing rubber

3a. What is Vulcanization?
b. Make a large labeled diagram of an extrusion machine

4a. Differentiate between screws and fittings
b. Describe THREE types of nails

5a. What is wood finishing?
b. Write briefly on three national that are used as wood finishing

6a. Differentiate between internal and external screw heads.

b. Describe THREE types of nails.



1. Make a large freehand sketch of a hand trowel
2. Drawn in first angle orthographic projection the block shown below looking through arrow F.E. and show the following views
i. Front elevation
ii. End elevation (right and left)
iii. Plan

3. Construct triangle PQR with sides PQ = 70mm, QR = 63mm, and angle PQR = 600
(a) What is the length of side PR?
(b) What is angle QRP?

4. Draw a line AB = 80mm and divide it into eight equal parts.

5. Construct a regular polygon with six sides across flat with sides 30mm each.

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