EU Permanent Residence Permit – All You Need To Know

Is living in the EU a goal you nurture, then you need to apply for a EU permanent residence permit, specifically a EU long-term residence permit to get a Permanent residence card.

EU Permanent Residency Permit Overview

You can obtain EU permanent residency status in any country in the EU, but the specific requirements vary from country to country.

In accordance with the requirements provided by the European Union, you can apply for permanent residence in the EU, regardless of whether it is a legal resident status or a permanent residency status after legally staying in a certain EU country for 5 years (except for residence based on study).

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EU permanent residence permit

This also means that no matter who immigrate to Luxembourg, the Czech Republic, Greece, Sweden or Italy, they have the opportunity to obtain permanent residence in the EU.

Holding the EU permanent resident status issued by any EU country:

  • Allows the holder to enjoy some free movement rights granted to citizens of the EU Economic Area in the participating countries,
  • The right to freely settle,
  • Right to work,
  • Right to do business, and
  • Right to study in other EU countries.

Holders of this status can study in any EU country and enjoy the tuition treatment of citizens of the target EU country without paying the standard tuition fees for international students of citizens outside the EU.

Right of Permanent Resident

As a permanent resident, what are my rights?

People who have obtained EU long-term resident status will enjoy the same treatment as nationals in the following aspects:

  1. Obtain paid and unpaid employment, employment conditions and working conditions (working hours, health and safety standards, leave rights, salary and dismissal);
  2. Education and vocational training, qualification recognition and grants;
  3. Welfare allowance (family allowance, retirement pension, etc.) and sickness insurance;
  4. Social assistance (minimum income support or retirement pension, free health care, etc.);
  5. Social welfare, tax relief, access to goods and services;
  6. Freedom to associate and join a trade union; to represent a trade union or freedom of association.
  7. Free access to the entire territory of the Member State concerned.
  8. Recognize diplomas and qualifications.
  9. Tax incentives.

Do EU Permanent Residence Permit Conditions Apply in all EU Countries

Although the legal frameworks of local regulations in EU countries are the same, all countries have different implementations based on their own actual conditions.

  • Most countries in the European Union do not have a direct permanent residence immigration program.
  • Majority of EU countries issue short-term residence permits, which are issued for 1-2 years for the first time and are renewed upon expiration.
  • Most European Union countries stipulate that they can apply for permanent residence in the country after 5 years.
  • The permanent residence requirements of most countries require that they live in the country for no less than half a year within 5 years.

The conditions for permanent residence in this country are slightly different. It is lower than the requirement that the EU has left the EU for no more than 10 months within 5 years of long-term residence in the EU.

How to Apply for Long-term Permanent Residence

If you have resided legally in an EU country for five years (but the residence permit based on study is not acceptable even if the residence permit has expired for five years), you can apply to become a long-term resident.

You must prove that you have:

1. Stable and adequate finance.

2. Health Insurance.

3. Appropriate accommodation

Some EU countries may also require you to meet certain integration conditions, such as testing the language and historical knowledge of the country where you live.

In addition, applicants are required not to pose a threat to public safety or public policy.


In general, after 5 years (the Czech Republic can apply for EU permanent residency in 3 years), if you have both country-specific permanent residency and EU permanent residency, you can actually decide which status to apply for.

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