How to Add Your Website or Blog to Opera News Feed

Do you want to  Add Your Website or Blog to Opera News Feed?

Steps for Submitting Your Website to Opera News

Follow the steps below in order to submit your website to Opera News:

  • Create a brief email message with the content Do well to attach the URL of your blog/website to the email message
  • Send the email message to the email address of Opera support team
  • Once you’ve done the above, the support team of Opera is certain to receive your mail. Following that, the team will check out your website/blog to see if it is in compliance with Opera Mini’s approval criteria
  • 2 or 3 days after submitting your website/blog to Opera News, you’re likely to get a response from an Opera Mini agent who should furnish you with the necessary requisites/instructions for adding your blog/website to Opera Mini’s news feed. Advisably, you should be patient enough for this response as it might get delayed
  • Once you have got the response, do well to provide the needed information in a very simple and concise manner
  • Having included the needed information, you should resend your mail and await Opera’s review of your request and site. This review can take as long as 2 weeks
  • Following the review, your request will be approved of and the Opera News support team will get back to you. You should comply with the instruction that will be provided subsequently so that your website/blog can start featuring in Opera Mini’s news feed

Getting Quick Approval for Your Website/Blog

It is utterly true that the Opera News team accept requests for blogs/websites to appear in Opera Mini’s news feed. But again, you shouldn’t assume that every blog/website will be considered acceptable by the team. In plain reality, some blogs get rejected completely while certain other blogs/websites get blacklisted. To prevent your website/blog from being banned, blacklisted or rejected by the team, you really have to keep the website/blog in tandem with Opera News’ terms of use.

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Based on veritable findings, the best way you can be sure of quick approval for your blog/website is to stay clear of the following:

  • Use of titles considered clickbait: Just like many other bloggers, you may want to boost your CTR (click through rate) by using clickbait headlines. Such headlines are termed incongruous because they often stimulate visitors to click and eventually mislead them. If your blog/website is riddled with titles considered clickbait, you should bear in mind that the blog/website isn’t suitable for approval by the Opera News team.
  • Violation of copyright: This, really, is a common practice among some bloggers. Besides being a criminal act, copyright violation is just another practice indicating that your blog isn’t suitable for approval by Opera News. If you must avoid getting rejected on grounds of copyright violation, you really have to keep your blog/website content original: ensure all your website/blog items (including images, articles and videos) are free from plagiarism.

Alternatively, you can follow this steps below;

How to Add Your Website or Blog to Opera News Feed:

Send a summarized and straight to the point email to opera support email and make sure to state the Website domain URL you want in opera news feed.

After the Opera news team receives your email, they will visit your website, review the site to be sure it meets their standard. After which a member of the support team will get back to you within the space of 2 to 3 days.

If there are any requirements they want from you, they will state through their email to you.

After you provide the requirements and send back the email. They will get back to you with some few steps to follow to enable your site on opera News feed between two to four weeks or more if you are approved.

Benefits of Adding Your Website to Opera News Feed:

Adding your website to opera news feed can be a great opportunity for you to start receiving thousands of human traffic daily to your site or blog. It also allows you to earn more as you’re been entitled to up to 50% income your published articles gets from opera news feed.

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