How To Auto Backup Android Apps When Uninstalling Without Root

Auto Backup Apps when Uninstalling without root

Android is capable of doing almost anything, yes almost, but what really gives it the power and enhances its strength to do so lies in its ability to take-in, adapt and react with over six hundred thousands different Android apps available on the planet. Sounds like we are talking about a super human here, not really though. Among these hundreds of thousands of apps, we found one very useful that can serve many purpose, one that has the ability to automatically backup your Android app as you remove or uninstall them. And as you might think, it does not need root.

You may ask, why do I need it? We believe no one is above mistake, we all make mistakes and sometimes it cost us more than we think. As an Android user, there are times when you will delete an app without even any specific reason (maybe it consumes too much storage space or RAM) but you later regretted your actions because later on you found yourself in a situation where you need it and can’t remember where you got it.

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Let us get straight to the point, here is how you can auto backup any apps on your Android phone when removing/uninstalling using ES File Explorer without root access.

  • If you haven’t got ES File Explorer on your Android phone, first download and install it from here
  • Open it and click the menu button on your phone, go to settings, scroll down to tools under settings and select App Manager
  • In App Manager, enable “backup before uninstall” and choose the folder you’ll like your app to be auto backup to.

Note: Apps that are uninstall using your phone application manager are not automatically backup, but all apps that are uninstall using ES File Explorer App Manager are auto back up to the folder you specify. To uninstall apps using ES File Explorer, click on the menu icon at the top left side, and select Library, click on App and select the app you want to uninstall.

ES File Explorer also features a recycle bin that auto store any files you deleted on your phone. Recycle bin is activated by default.

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