How To Move To The Bahamas : Step-By-Step.

The Tropical Islands of the Bahamas

Moving to the Bahamas allows you to experience the natural great thing about the Caribbean and by exploring the various islands, you’ll see a replacement side of this stunning archipelago. Tourism is the main source of income on the larger islands so that they receive many visitors per annum.


The Bahamas: Visa Requirements

For a primary fact-finding trip or a primary visit for business purposes (like negotiating your work contract) you’ll need to apply for a visitor visa, counting on your nationality. It’s a good idea to contact the closest Bahamian embassy for the precise visa requirements and to seek out out about the paperwork you’ll need to submit. If you’re getting to take up employment within the Bahamas, a visitor visa will presumably not be sufficient — a piece permit (either short- or long-term) are going to be required.

Getting Long-Term working papers

If you would like to move to the Bahamas for more than 90 days, you would like to secure a long-term working paper. As is usually the case, you’re only eligible to receive a piece permit if you’ve got an employment agreement, and you want to apply with a press release from your future employer containing details of your application and role. There are multiple other documents required, from passport-sized photographs to prove that no Bahamian was ready to fill your position. However, this might be subject to vary.

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Immigration Laws of the Bahamas

The immigration laws of the Bahamas are known for being strict. Although the country is extremely welcoming to tourists, visitors, and investors, it’s by no means easy to secure a piece permit.
Bahamian employers must advertise open positions locally before they will look for employees outside of the Bahamas. once you are accepted for such an edge, you’ll need to provide proof of your special qualifications. This proof is often a university degree also as different language certificates.

Becoming a Permanent Resident

Do you dream of moving to the Bahamas to urge away and living off the grid for good? There are a couple of options for you to use for permanent residence, the foremost obvious one being married to a Bahamian citizen. Other ways of qualifying for permanent residence are:

  • purchasing a residence within the Bahamas
  • legally working or living within the Bahamas for quite 20 consecutive years
    working within the Bahamas during a specific profession for a particular period of your time (see here for details)

Permanent residence is issued to the applicant for a lifetime.

We hope we have been able to help you with your move to Bahamas?


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