JAMB cut off mark 2022/2023: Are you looking for the official JAMB cut off mark 2022/23 for all schools (Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges of education) in Nigeria? Then, you will find everything you have been searching for here.
This articles covers general JAMB cut off mark 2022 updates including Universities cut off mark 2022/2023, Polytechnics cut off mark 2022/2023 and also Colleges of education.
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UPDATE: All schools have picked their minimum JAMB cut off mark for 2022 admission process. Scroll down to check and download the PDF file below.
By now, you should already know that JAMB results for 2022 UTME have been released. If you have not checked yours, click here to see how to check it.
Without wasting any time, I will break down this article into sections to make it easy for you to find the cut off mark for your school from www.jamb.org.ng
Before that, I will quickly go through some few related questions some JAMB 2022 candidates have been asking.
Some of this questions and answers can be found below:
Is JAMB Cut Off Mark 2022/2023 Out
JAMB cut off mark 2022 has been released. This was released after the JAMB policy meeting that held between JAMB registrar, V.Cs of all universities, Rectors and Provosts and other stakeholders on June 16, 2022.
What Is JAMB Cut Off Mark 2022/23
This is where a lot of UTME candidates get it wrong. Now, I will explain to you.
There are 2 cut off marks released.
First, the general minimum JAMB cut off mark announced by JAMB registrar for all Universities put together, all polytechnics and also colleges of education.
The second cut off mark is the one released by each institution. This is the one that will be used by each institution for 2022 admission.
So, what’s the difference?
The first (general cut off mark) released by JAMB is the minimum cut off mark each institution must depending on her status as a university, polytechnic or college of education.
Each institution is then allowed to choose her own cut off mark to be used for admission exercises (including Post UTME) in 2022.
[googlepdf url=”https://ccnworldtech.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/JAMB-Cut-off-mark-2020-2021.pdf” download=”Download PDF” width=”100%” height=”600″]
Let’s take university as an example.
JAMB Cut Off Mark 2022/23 For Universities
The minimum university cut off mark for 2022 is 160.
This however does not mean that you can apply to study in any University with JAMB score of 150 in 2020.
So, what does it mean?
The 160 university cut off mark implies that every university is allowed to choose a cut off mark but must be at least 160.
In order words, a university can choose to set her cut off mark to be 160 or higher.
Some schools like UI, UNILAG, UNN, UNIBEN and others will never set a cut off mark less than 200 as you will see later in this article.
Drop a comment to request for the cut off point for your school of choice, I will get back to you.
JAMB Polytechnic Cut Off Mark 2022/23
The general cut off mark for Polytechnics is 120. Each Polytechnic are then allowed to choose a specific cut off mark which must be at least 120.
Colleges Of Education Cut Off Mark 2022/2023
The general cut off mark for Polytechnics is 100. Each Polytechnic are then allowed to choose a specific cut off mark which must be at least 100.
Now that you know the general cut off marks for 2022/2023, I will quickly show you the specific cut off mark for all universities, then for all polytechnics and finally colleges of education.
This will include both private and public schools.
JAMB Latest News On Cut Off Point: If you want to know the cut off point for your school of choice, drop a comment below and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Recommended Guides For You:
- How To Pass JAMB UTME 2022/2023 And Score Above 300 Easily
- How To Read For JAMB 2022 And Remember 100% Of what You Read
- JAMB Subject Combination 2022 For All Courses
That is all for now on JAMB cut off marks for 2022/23. Don’t forget to drop a comment and share the article with friends.
What is the cut off mark for Nigeria army university Biu for 2020/2021 I score 165 will I be given Admission
What is the cut of mark for yabatech 2020/21
please can I get admission in ATBU in industrial chemistry with 186
pls sir i score 162 in my jamb 2020\2021 will gusua university offer me admision pls
pls sir will kaduna state university offer me admission with 162
I scored 182 in jamb can I get admission in Uniben to study biochemistry
No, UNIBEN cut off mark is 200.
Pls sir I score 165 can I study at delta state university?
Can I use 176 score to study geography In nasarawa state university keffi
And pls what is my jamb cut of mark and departmental cut of mark
Pls sir I scored 171 can absu and rivers state accept me
ABSU cut off mark this year is 160 and RSU is 180, so you have a chance with ABSU.
Can I use 186 to study mad lab in absu
Can i enter unizik with 200 to study law
Can I enter absu or rivers state with 171
I had 179, can I still study SLT in Nnekedi poly?
Pls I need answers it’s urgent
Or do I need to change course?
Cut off mark for computer science in federal university of agriculture makurdi
Gud day sir,pls sir I scored 173 can oou/eksu accept me to study linguistics English.
No, cut off mark is 180.
Without mathematics in jamb can I study public administration in unizik ,and my jamb score is 215
Can I get admission in Absu to study medical laboratory science with 171 jamb score??
Urgent response plz
Can I go to learn poly or offa poly with 156
Can I get admission in UNIJOS to study industrial chemistry? I scores 201.
My son want change institution, to futa he want to read mech eng he score 220
Cut off mark for fuoye
I get 164 can I gain admission to fuoye
Depends on your course.
Can I study accounting in Unical with 175 jamb score?
Can I gain admission with my jamb score 154 into moshood Abiola polytechnic pls I need the answer as soon as possible ?
Please can I gain admission with jamb score 171 into unilorin ?
No, cut off mark is 180
136 is my cut off mark which polyteachnic will accept it
I got 199 as my jamb score and i intend to read nursing in university of lagos but am not sure if i can gain admission into that university to read that course,please is there any other school that will accept me to read nursing with the 199
Can i read nursing with 199 in imo state university
pls which university accepts 166 to study nursing…pls I Need an Answer Urgently
I scored 178. Will I be able to gain admission for nursing in niger delta University second choice or I should buy change of institution?
Please sire, i scored 166 in the last utme exams and i intend to study Electrical engineering, which university should i switch to? UNIUYO was my first choice but set her cut off at 180.. Please reply,, Thank you.
Pls, what is the cut off mark for electrical /eletronic engineering in FUT Minna 2020.
Can I gain admission to any poly or universities with 146 to study computer science or mechanical engineering
Can I study electrical and electronic engineer in PTI with 158 cut off mark
Pls sir can I get admission into federal polytechnic in ado ekiti with 139
Can I get admission to study mass communication in unilorin with 188
Please can 182 enter uniben
Please I want reply
Pls wic university can accept 173 to study linguistics English
Can i get admission into bidapoly with 147 jamb score
Please sir I scored 179 in jamb to study mass communication in Absu as 1st choice and Ignatius ajuru University political science as second choice pls do I have any chance of gaining admitted into one of the schools with my jamb score please I need urgent reply sir thank you
Can I study pharmacy in unn with jamb score of 190
I got 172 in my jamb can i be admitted into anambra state university to study education and English language
Hi don’t think so
Sir. Pls i need ur reply, i score 169 in jamb and i apply for political science in FULAFIA. Pls is there hope.
Please can I get admission to 144 in oko poly to mass communicati in 220 I need the answer now
is scored one43 can get Admission in federal poly nekede this year 2020
I what is the cut off Mark for nasarawa state university keffi 2020/2021 academic session
Pls sir my brother got 166 in jamb score,can he used it to enter aksu or any other university.is urgent pls.medcine and surgery
Pls sir I scored 159 in jamb can I get admission into pti warri to study petroleum
Pls sir I scored 159 in jamb can I gained admissions into pti to study petroleum engineering
I score 194 to study merchatronic engineering course in FUNAB will
I be offer addimissionn or Which University will accept it.
what other related courses can I offer in any other University. Thank you
I scored 170 ,pls which university can I gain admission to study mechanical engineering
Please I have 162 which university or ploy will accept me
What is the cut off point for fedral university Gombe,kashere,Gombe state
Please sir I score 159 please sir which University can I go
can i get admission for medicine and surgery at federal university of ndufu alike,ikwo ebonyi state /or unizik with jamb score of 216.
pls I scored 159 in jamb which university or polythenic can I gain addmison
Sir i score 153 in jamb
Can i still study mensing
please answer this for god sake did I stand a chance of getting admission to uniabuja with 230 for chemical engineering please answer this
That, I am not sure of. I like not to answer when I am not sure to avoid giving false information. My advice for you is to check for active UNIABUJA aspirant/student group on Facebook and find reliable students to ask. That will be better.
My jamb is 162 and I will like to study electrical electronic in Nigeria maritime acedemy in delta state okrankoko in gbramatu community, will that be possible here you can contact me with this I really need help
I scored 186 for nursing,so,can university of calabar accept it
My jamb score is 172 I want to study electrical engineering
Or rsust port hacourt
Please,what are there cutoff marks
Can I get admission into FUTA with 172
My name is Muhammad ma’aji Iliyasu I scored 194 in jamb can I get admission to study nursing course in BUK
What is unizik cut off mark for estate management 2020/2021
Kindly call me now or Whatsapp me if you want to upgrade your jamb score directly from the headquarters 200 220 230 250 respectively.
Sir please I really need your help
My name’s Ruth. Please I got 201 and applied for medicine in Absu.Do I stand a chance of getting admission?
Hi i got 174 in jamb and apply for physics in kust will they give me te admission
Can l get admission at Fed poly ado ekiti with 142
Yes you can.
Can we combine 2019 jamb result together with 2020 jamb result