How To Blast JAMB 2022/2023 Easily Using Past Questions (Tested & Proven Tips)

how to pass jamb using past questions

How To Pass JAMB 2022/2023 Using Past Questions – JAMB Secret RevealedHow to pass jamb using past questions and answers

Do you know you can easily pass JAMB with past questions without cheating? Do you know how to prepare for JAMB 2022/2023 using past questions and score above 300? That is exactly what I am going to show you in this article.


I have always emphasized the use of past question to prepare and pass JAMB examination excellently. In fact, it is one of the JAMB secrets I revealed in one of my JAMB guides.

One of the greatest mistakes candidates make while preparing for JAMB is using JAMB past questions the WRONG WAY! That is one of the reasons why students fail JAMB.

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How To Pass JAMB With Past Questions

There is definitely a way to pass JAMB using past questions which I will show you in this article.

Before I show you that, I will like to answer these two simple but important questions:

  1. Is it compulsory to study past questions for JAMB?
  2. Is there a WRONG way of using JAMB past questions?

Is It Compulsory To Use JAMB Past Questions?

It is very necessary to use JAMB past questions and answers. In fact, I will personally say that it is compulsory. I have not seen anyone who passed JAMB excellently without solving past questions during the course of preparation.

The importance of using past questions to prepare for JAMB cannot be overemphasized.

Is There A Wrong Way To Use JAMB Past Questions?

YES, a lot of candidates use the WRONG TECHNIQUE to study past questions and end up failing. Let me show you what I mean.

Can I Pass JAMB Using Past Questions Only?

No, you need to combine JAMB past questions and answers with the right resources in other to make it effective.

If you are just cramming past questions and answers, then you are doing the wrong thing.


Cramming past questions and answers without actually understanding the topic. That is the wrong way of using past questions.


  1. JAMB questions do not come as directly as they are in the past questions
  2. Cramming past questions does not mean you know the topic

But, I have something for you – The RIGHT WAY to study past questions and pass JAMB excellently.


  1. Read A Topic

The first yet most important step is to read and understand a topic from a very good textbook. You can check out the best textbooks to study for JAMB.

Make sure you study the topic very well and understand everything you read. The articles below will help you.

  1. Solve Past Questions

This is the second question even though this is what the topic is all about. Until you fully understand the concept of the topic(s) you read, solving past questions is like fetching water inside basket.

Listen! I didn’t say CRAM, I said SOLVE.

There is a clear difference between the two terms.

  1. Do Not Skip Any Question

This is where some people get it wrong. They see some hard questions and decide to skip them. No, you don’t have to do that.

If you find any difficult questions, there is always a way to solve them. Instead of jumping to the next one, seek out for help from someone you think might know it. You can also check your textbook or online resources – is always there for you.

  1. Double-check The Answers If You Are In Doubt

Are you unsure of whether some of the answers chosen are WRONG? Well, that happens a lot.

We are humans and we make mistakes. The best thing you can do it to check your textbook or online resources to confirm the right answers.

Do not always believe that their answers are always correct. Do well to confirm the answers.

  1. Work With Time

Another mistake you want to avoid not working with time. Don’t just solve past questions and finish anytime you like.

Put yourself in the EXAM MODE. Try to set and alarm and solve 40questions in 25-30minutes. This is the kind of condition you will need to put yourself under.

Doing this will help to increase your speed and accuracy for the real examination.

  1. Be Consistent

Solving questions consistently is what make you master them all. Some candidates solve past questions once or twice a way. This is not very effective.

I told you to study textbooks first. However, don’t neglect past questions total. Solve past questions after every 1-3 topics that you read.

The more consistent you are, the better you know it.

In fact, it will be very good if you solve past questions every single day after studying! That is the word I believe in.

  1. Do The Full Exam Mode At Least Once A Week

When a say full exam mode, I mean solving past questions for all 4 subjects within a specified time (not more than 2hours).

After that, mark everything and cross-check your answers. This will not only help you to keep track of your progress, it will also help you to reduce examination tension on the DEAL DAY, increase your speed and accuracy.

If you can do that at least once in a week, then you are good to go.

I believe these tips will help you to pass JAMB using past questions. If you really enjoyed the article, don’t forget to drop a comment below. You should also share it with friends with the buttons below.

That is all for now on How to pass JAMB using past questions.

17 Comments on “How To Blast JAMB 2022/2023 Easily Using Past Questions (Tested & Proven Tips)”

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