Recover Deleted Files/Data on Windows and Mac PC with EaseUS Data Recovery

Recover Deleted Files on PC easily

Computer holds one of the most important aspect in our daily life on the business side, it makes work easier, management of data faster, and can help solve the most complex calculation within seconds. While its importance can not be overlook in business aspects, its simplicity in running and management of programmes makes it an ideal tool for many other uses. Computer has no specific personality, you can make it become whatever you want it to be, do whatever you want it do, at any given time. We are not talking about analog computers of the 15th centuries, but today’s modern computers i.e laptops, notebooks, netbooks e.t.c.


While most people relies on computer for gaming, and some for office use, management of files seems to be the major importance for many. Ofcourse we all have two or more movies, pictures and audio files saved in one folder on our computer. Some even use their computer as an archive for saving private files and data. But then, as with any man-made machine, problems are bound to occur at anytime. One of the problems PC users usually face is lack of storage space. SSD may be fast and great and wow! but its limited capacity can force a user to delete an important file when it is nearing its end-line (256GB seems to be the most common capacity). System crash and virus attack can make PC users lose their data and files as well. Most time, we deletes files we thought we no longer need just to realize later on that we won’t mind doing anything to get them back.

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Recycle Bin does help in most cases, but that is if you are not addicted in using the Shift + Delete keys. Files deleted using both key combinations above doesn’t land in Recycle Bin, but are thrown out of the window. Emptying the Recycle Bin erases all files store within it, permanently, according to Windows. But as we already said, some people won’t mind doing anything just to get their deleted files back. For such people, we have a good news.

EaseUS Data Recovery Installer

EaseUS Data Recovery is a software that lets Windows and Mac users easily recover deleted files irrespective of time the files were deleted and their location. Installing the software only takes few minutes, and retriever of deleted files can be carried out immediately after installation. It offers a well understandable interface that guides users through the process of retrieving deleted files, which erases the need of special skills. Apart from being able to restore files that are deleted directly from Windows Explorer via Shift + Delete keys, files emptied in Recycle Bin can also be retrieve within few minutes.

EaseUS Data Recovery Interface-1

For those who have multiple partition, EaseUS Data Recovery wizard lets you choose a specific partition you want to recover a deleted data from, and even give you the privilege to choose type of files you want to recover within the wizard. Files fetched during recovering process can be preview before it is fully recover by the user.

EaseUS Data Recovery Interface-2

EaseUS Data Recovery software works on all PC running Microsoft Windows, and there is also a Mac version for Mac users. Luckily, there are no special requirements in using the software. It is 32-bit and 64-bit ready. EaseUS gives free users the ability to recover up to 1GB of deleted files for free, while paid users have more options and unlimited access to recover deleted data without any restrictions. We have tested this software and it works great.

You can learn more on how to recover deleted files from recycle bin and how to restore deleted files from the link below:

How to recover deleted files from recycle bin

EaseUS Data Recovery for Windows and Mac can be download from HERE.

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