Requirements For JAMB Registration 2021 [Updated]

requirements for jamb registration

Requirements For JAMB Registration 2021. A detailed complete and updated list of requirements for 2021 JAMB as well as all you need to know before you proceed to do your JAMB registration.

Do you want to know the necessary things required of you before you proceed to do your JAMB registration? Are you planning to write your JAMB again and you don’t know what might be required of you this time around having it at the back of your mind that the requirements might not be the same as it was the previous years? Do you want to know the general admission requirement into any university, polytechnic, college of education here in Nigeria?

Then you need not worry if you are reading this post. On this page, you will get the right answers to the above-listed queries in a well-detailed format. Without beating too much about the bush, Let us dive straight into the business of the day.

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Requirements For JAMB Registration 2021

requirements for jamb registration

Below is the must-have requirements before you can successfully register for JAMB. These requirements have also been listed in order of priority in descending order.

  1. O level result: Before you think of even writing JAMB exam, the number one pre-requisite is your Olevel result. In the absence of this. JAMB also takes awaiting result during the registration. You may as well use NECO. But ensure you have your result or awaiting result.
  2. NIN: This is the second most important thing you should have. Although the process of getting this is somehow stressful and takes a while because of our slow system. But you can always get it at the nearest local government council near you. Although it is meant to be free, if you actually want it fast, you may be charged some amount of money. Mind you, there have been some speculations that the NIN might not even be one of the criteria for JAMB registration again, but to be on the safe side, do it before time.
  3. Money: Yea! This is very important ooo. JAMB form is not free, in fact nothing is free even in freetown. So you should budget to have about 8,000 Naira for the form and other miscellaneous. 
  4. Phone number: After you have your money ready. You will need an active phone number. Because it is through this number that your profile code will be sent to you as SMS. It is not necessary you have a phone. You can always use anybody’s phone, but ensure that the SIM card used is yours. If you do not have one for yourself, you can always get it even though it is expensive now, it may cost you about 3000-5000 Naira due to the new government policy about NIN depending on your location. 
  5. E-mail address: You should also have an active easy to remember E-mail address. This will be requested at the point of registration and all information from JAMB will b communicated through the mail. We recommend you use a Gmail or Yahoo mail.
  6. E-Pin: You are going to buy this at any accredited banks or CBT centre after you have your NIN and profile code.
  7. Profile Code: The Next is to create your profile code after you have gotten all the above requirements ready. You may visit this page if you want to create or retrieve your lost JAMB profile code perhaps you have it before.
  8. JAMB Profile/ Biodata: The last but not the least is the bio data which will be asked at the point of registration. This will include Your names, date of birth, address, state, local government area, marriage status, e.t.c. Make sure you know them as it will be needed when filling the JAMB form.
  9. Click here to see how to begin your JAMB registration.

This is the much we can take on the topic “requirements for JAMB registration“. Thank you for reading.




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