JAMB 2021/2022 Registration Form is Out! Check Application Steps

Are you aware that JAMB Registration Form  for 2020/2021 is Out! Check all the necessary Application Steps Below and be guided properly to avoid errors and issues during the entire process.

JAMB registration form portal for 2021/2022  is not yet enabled for successful application intake. Please disregard any websites that mislead on this information.


Ensure, you BOOKMARK this page to get updated news regarding JAMB Form.

The official JAMB portal is https://jamb.org.ng/. Please be informed that this page will guide you through all the necessary information you need to know about JAMB 2021 registration and application eligibility, form update and requirement.

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JAMB 2021/2022 Registration

The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) management has finally declared that the registration for JAMB UTME exercise 2021 will commence on 18th January, 2021 and close on 19th February, 2021. The CBT examination will commence from 14th March till 4th of April, 2021. So all you have to do is get ready and be prepared!

The mock examination will hold by February 22, 2021, while the UTME will hold from March 14 to April 4. Candidates are advised to register and obtain their National Identity Number from NIMC as the number is mandatory for all candidates.

The Board wishes to inform the general public that the sale of JAMB 2021 application forms would commence 18th January 2021. Kindly disregard any news stating otherwise.

IMPORTANT! The sale of 2021 JAMB UTME Form has finally commenced. Please note that registration can only bedone or carried out only by JAMB accredited centres closest to you. For your safety, don’t patronize any Cyber cafe or computer centres other than the ones published by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB).

2021 Online Jamb News Update!

(2019 Update!) The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has officially announced that the sales of JAMB registration form for 2020 UTME will commence on 13th January, 2020. The announcement was made by JAMB’s Registrar Professor Oloyede during a meeting with owners of JAMB Computer Based Test Centres at the University of Lagos.

According to professor Oloyede, the sales of form will start January 13th and last for 4 weeks. Followed by the examination in March 14 to April 4th 2020. He further disclosed that the board will not allow Cyber Cafe operators to register candidates because they are extorting candidates and overcharging them and also engaging in services that they do not have the capacity to do.

The professor urged all prospective candidates to do their registration and access the board’s major services in any of its 718 accredited centres in the country.

Also, the 2020 JAMB Syllabus  will help guide you on the topics you are required to cover for each of the subjects you will be taking in 2019 UTME.

Schools, Institutions, Tutorial Centres, Business Centres & Cafes can equally act as JAMB CBT Agents and Training Centres to help train students for the upcoming exams. For details on how to proceed, please click here.

Prof Oloyede equally revealed that there will be special centres for visually impaired candidates. He added that the board was already considering the introduction of a new technology for smooth conduct of the examination for such candidates.

He finally warned that the board would not tolerate any JAMB-related materials in all the centres, especially question papers, as most often turned out to be fake, thereby duping innocent candidates. He said that JAMB would also not hesitate to blacklist any centre that attempted to undermine the integrity of its examination through infractions.

JAMB Cost of Form and Registration Deadline.

♦ Cost of Registration. PIN: #3,500

♦ Compulsory Reading Text: #500

♦ Service Charge for Regn: #700

Total: #4,700.

N/B: The Registration will last for 6 weeks, from 10th January.

Candidates are advised in their own interest to register at JAMB Accredited CBT CENTRES Nation wide and JAMB OFFICES only.

In other to be fully aware of what to expect during JAMB 2021 registration and the procedures for registration, we are going to provide adequate updates for the 2021/2022 registration procedures to help you know how it’s done.

N/B: JAMB has made it compulsory for candidates to create profile. Without JAMB profile, No Candidates will be able to register for 2021 JAMB as all documents upload are done on JAMB Portal. It is after creating Jamb profile that you can apply for Jamb and even check your admission status.

How to Register JAMB 2021 Successfully – Step by Step Guide


One Cell (mobile) number can be used by one candidate The Cell phone number used for the text message is automatically tied to the Candidate’s name and will be used in all communications related to his/her 2021 Application/Examination

Candidate sends his/her name [Surname, First-Name, Middle-Name (if any)] by text (SMS) to this should be maximum of 38 characters + 2 spaces between names = 40 characters in all to 55019 e.g Tinubu Adamu Odumegwu (Surname and first name are mandatory)

A Profile Code of 10 characters is received by the candidate on the same telephone number


  • To correct a mistake in candidate’s name, send the [CORRECT Surname First-Name Middle-Name] to 55019 as a text message from the same mobile number
  • To retrieve a lost Profile Code, send [RESEND] to 55019 as text message from the same mobile number

3. JAMB ePIN SELLING POINTS The ePIN outlets are:

  • Four Mobile Money Operators: Paga, e-Tranzact (PocketMoni), TEASYPay and Packway Projects (Readycash)
  • Two participating Micro Finance Banks: FUD MFB (Dutse) and Regent MFB (Abuja)
  • Two online Payment Platforms: SystemSpecs (Remita) and InterSwitch (Quickteller)
    POS (Citi-Serve)
  • ATMs of banks listed in 5C (i) above (InterSwitch)
  • USSD (NIBSS & ERCAS) for mobile banking
  • Nigerian Embassies in Abidjan, Accra, Addis Ababa, Buea, Cotonou, Jeddah, Johannesburg and London


  • Collect the Profile Code from candidate’s phone
  • Collect payment and vend ePIN by SMS to candidate’s phone
  • Facilitate POS Payment, if necessary
  • Issue Evidence of Payment
  • Collect Centre Service Fees, if requested by the CBT Centre


    • Present Profile Code and pay by cash or card
    • ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number
  • B – PAYMENT THROUGH POS – This is available at State Offices of JAMB + CBT Centres, other POS outlets and any CBT Centre that demands it
    • Present Profile Code and pay by card
    • ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number
  • C – PAYMENT THROUGH MOBILE MONEY OPERATORS – This is available at CBT Centres and Other Outlets
    • Present Profile Code and pay by cash
    • ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number
  • D – PAYMENT USING ATM – This is available on all ATM outlets of Participating Banks listed in C(I) (InterSwitch Channel)
    • Select Bill Payment and then pick JAMB
    • Enter Profile Code and pay
    • ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number
    • Visit JAMB website: jamb.gov.ng
    • Click Purchase of 2018 Application Document
    • Enter your Profile Code
    • Select payment method (InterSwitch or Remita)
    • Make payment
    • ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number
    • Dial *565*6*55019#
    • Enter Profile Code
    • Select bank and follow the prompts to complete payment
    • ePIN is then delivered to the candidate’s unique telephone number


  1. If ePIN is not Received or Lost, send [UTMEPIN] or [DEPIN] to 55019 for UTME or DE respectively from the unique number
  2. The ePIN would then be retrieved and delivered on the candidate’s unique number



The candidate presents the ePIN at any JAMB accredited CBT Centre for completion of registration. The name of the candidate as typed by the candidate on his/her phone when registering the profile comes up automatically on the input of the e-PIN by the CBT centre

N/B: Candidate should register at any centre other than the accredited CBT centre and JAMB State office. Any candidate who is registered outside approved centres will be identified and disqualified.

PROCEDURE FOR THE EIGHT FOREIGN CENTRES ONLY IS AS FOLLOWS:  Registration fee for candidates from the eight foreign countries is $20 or its equivalent in each of the eight countries. Candidates from the eight foreign countries are to download the Application from the Board’s website (www.jamb.gov.ngcomplete and submit it with the fee at the eight designated centres as indicated on the website

How to Recover Lost ePIN after Payment

i. If ePIN is not Received or Lost, send [UTMEPIN] or [DEPIN] to 55019 for UTME or  DE respectively from the unique number ii. The ePIN would then be retrieved and delivered on the candidate’s unique number

After successful payment and obtaining ePIN, candidate should proceed to any of the jamb accredited CBT centres to complete his/her registration.

ii. Inline with the Board’s regulated registration exercise, only the accredited Computer Based Test Centres and JAMB Offices will be allowed to register candidates

iii. Each candidate should visit any accredited CBT centre with his/her personal details, the profile and evidence of payment.

Registration Process at CBT Centres

The candidate presents the ePIN at any JAMB accredited CBT Centre for completion of registration. The name of the candidate as typed by the candidate on his/her phone when registering the profile comes up automatically on the input of the e-PIN by the CBT centre

Candidates are to:

1) Pay NOT more than N700 as Service Charge to the CBT Centre

2). Provide Biodata including Date of Birth, Nationality, State of Origin, Local Government, Gender, e-mail address, among others

3). Provide choice of institutions and programmes (disciplines)

4). Provide qualification with grades and dates, if not awaiting result

5). Upload relevant certificates, if not awaiting result

6). O/L and or A/L grades are to be provided by candidates. Candidates who are awaiting results should supply the results online as soon as they are available on JAMB’s portal. No recommendations from any Institution will be considered by JAMB if the candidate has not supplied his/her result on the portal of JAMB

7). Supply JAMB registration number for previous institutional certificates for DE only

8). Provide UTME subjects and choice of examination town(s) for

  • (a) Mock examination  (optional)
  • (b) Examination for UTME (actual examination)

9). Do picture capture (no scanning of passport photograph)

10). Do Biometric enrolment (ten fingers)

11). Review entries and confirm correctness


13). Collect, at no other cost, the reading text and CD

14). Each Candidate is to collect his/her e-slip at the end of registration as evidence of registration

15). There will be no offline registration, as all the accredited CBT centres have been empowered for real-time online registration. No candidate should register at any centre other than the accredited CBT centre and JAMB State-Offices. Any candidate who is registered outside approved centres will be identified and disqualified.

When is JAMB Going to Commence Full Online Registration

JAMB Registrar, Prof. Ishaq Oloyede, who disclosed this at a stakeholder meeting on plans and modalities for the sale and registration of 2021 UTME application. He said the sale of the application documents would commence on 18th January 2021 and end on 19th February 2020.

He explained that the duration of the registration will be two months as against the one month of 2021 exercise.

According to him: “Having examined that all logistics are put in places for a smooth exercise, management would strictly adhere to the sale period. Therefore, all stakeholders are advised to cooperate, collaborate, support and assist the board in this direction.

He said: “The application fee remains five thousand naira (N4,500), just as the reading text is still five hundred naira. The application fee is inclusive of the commission of three hundred naira (N500) paid on each application to the selling points.

JAMB Order of Choice of Institutions

On the 2021 registration platform, Candidates are to note that their 1 choice can be a College of Education, University, Innovation Enterprise Institutes, Polytechnics/Monotechnics, NDA (Nigerian Defence Academy) or Nigeria Police Academy.

JAMB Examination Date – The 2021 CBT EXAMINATION will commence on 14th March 2020.

The venue of the examination will be at any centre in the candidate’s chosen examination town(s)

JAMB does not post any candidate to any examination town (or group of towns) other than the one chosen by the candidate at the point of registration. Candidates are, however, advised to register on time before the available spaces in their town of choice or group of towns are exhausted and therefore no longer available.

JAMB Registration Fee/Procurement of Registration ePINS

1). Registration Fee is Five Thousand (N5, 000) Naira Only. Additional Five Hundred (N500) Naira Only is paid to obtain the reading text “SWEET SIXTEEN by BOLAJI ABDULLAHI” for UTME Candidates and “IN DEPENDENCE” for DE Candidates and $20 for Candidates from the eight foreign centres

2). A CD containing JAMB eSyllabus, eBrochure and other vital materials is also given free. Candidates should note that ePINS purchased are tied to individual profile and are not transferable.

3). Candidates are advised to keep as private and confidential their security details such as registration numbers, password/numbers of ATM Cards, email addresses and ePINs.

N/B: Candidates are advised to keep as confidential their security details such as registration numbers, password/numbers of ATM Cards, e-mail addresses and E-Pins.

Optional UTME-Mock-Examination

As was done last year, the Board will also conduct a mockexamination in all the accredited CBT centres to prepare and familiarize interested Candidates with the CBT environment.

Interested candidates are advised to indicate their interest in the mock examination during registration provided it is on or before 10th January 2021. The MOCK examination shall commence on February 21, 2021.

The CBT Centres are allowed to collect, through their bank accounts, a separate Seven Hundred Naira (₦700) only, for this exercise from only interested candidate after notification of the centre has been received by the candidate.

The payment for mock examination by the candidate shall be made to the centre to which the candidate is assigned after the notification of assigned centres for the mock examination. No Association or body is permitted to run any mock examination on behalf of JAMB.

N/B: Do not pay for mock until jamb assigns you to a CBT centre. No one should patronize fraudsters, many of whom are now in custody for defrauding prospective candidates. Only jamb accredited CBT centres can do valid registration and serve as examination centres

Jamb Registration Update

Please note that a lot of changes has been made on Jamb 2021/2022 registration, See some of them below:

Those who wish to obtain the form are hereby advised to do so immediately for they own good before the deadline elapses.

Below are some important information as regards the 2021 Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) as released by the Joint Admission and Matriculation Board (JAMB).

  1. JAMB to start the sale of 2021 UTME forms on January 18th.
  2. 2021 JAMB Mock Examination proposed date: February 21, 2020 (only candidates, who register on January 2020 and who have expressed interest for the examination would be eligible for the optional mock examination).
  3. 2021 JAMB UTME Form proposed closing date: April, 2021.
  4. JAMB have banned the use of wristwatches and pens by candidates and other persons in the examination hall.
  5. The price of the 2021 UTME Registration Form will be N3,500 (inclusive of the N300 commission paid on each application to selling points) as it was for 2020.
  6. Foreign based candidates would pay the sum of $20 dollars per candidate as against $100 and $150 dollars paid in 2019 for candidates in Africa and outside Africa, respectively.

See JAMB Subject Combination Here

So many people often make mistakes during JAMB registration, especially when choosing the JAMB subject combinations. However, Jamb syllabus for Jamb 2021/2022 registration is now out so that students registering for it can now which course and the appropriate ones to apply for.

How to Prepare And Score High in JAMB

Do you need an effective way to prepare and score high in JAMB so that you can reduce the competition you will face in your school during admission?

Do you know that almost all jamb questions for each year are all from Past Questions?

Do you know that you can score more than 300 in JAMB if you master all the Answers to jamb previous Questions and Learn how to solve them?

Helpful Tips to Score High in JAMB 2021

  • Early preparation is one of the keys to do well in any examination
  • Very important, Use the latest jamb syllables to prepare for your exam while reading
  • Go through jamb solved past questions and answer
  • downloading the JAMB CBT practise software and practice since is a computer-based assessment
  • Time management is another vital issue in an exam. It is important that you learn how to manage the time you are given Usually there are 250 questions to be answered in 2hrs 45 minutes, so you do not have a lot of time
  • Make sure you always crosscheck your work before submitting it

Important Materials Needed for JAMB Registration 2021

All candidates who are to register for 2021 JAMB are going to be tested based on a general book which is to be made available to all candidates and the name of the book is; “Sweet Sixteen.” 

During the process of registration, The following will be made available to all candidates:

JAMB Syllabus for 2020/2021

See the Jamb Syllabus for all Subjects Below:

JAMB Eligible Institution

The eligible institution or institution type for Jamb 2019 registration will be made available online. They are;

  1. First Degree
  2. National Diploma (ND)
  3. National Innovation Diploma (NID)
  4. Nigeria Certificate in Education (NCE) programmes
  5. In Universities
  6. including other Degree-Awarding Institutions
  7. Monotechnics
  8. Polytechnics
  9. Innovation Enterprise Institutes
  10. Colleges of Education.

N/B: It is a pity that a lot of people made mistakes and missed so may opportunities/Did not gain admission during 2019/2020 Jamb and Admission processes because they where not well informed or probably majority did not get the relevant informations on time. We are here to help all aspirants so they won’t fall into that same problem which may cause them one extra year.

JAMB General Information for Candidate 2020

1. All candidates must create a JAMB profile before proceeding to getting the ePIN from any JAMB assigned CBT centre.

2. The registration fee is non-refundable.

3. As it is the practice, centres are allowed to charge not more than Seven Hundred Naira (₦700)only as registration fee. Any centre that charges more than Seven Hundred Naira (₦700) should be reported to JAMB for appropriate sanctions

4. CBT centres have been mandated to select any of the participating banks, MMOs, MFBs, etc. These financial institutions are to be present at the CBT centres for the purpose of collecting all fees. No CBT centre staff is allowed to conduct direct cash transaction with the candidates

5. Candidates are advised to read and understand the guidelines on admission and instructions and how to complete the registration 2020 before commencing the process of registration.

6. Multiple registrations are not allowed. Candidates who register more than once will be identified and disqualified

7. Candidates should note that they are required to be present and take live photograph which will be embossed on their result slips and admission letters. No scanned/stapled passport photograph is allowed

8. Candidates are to note that irrespective of their choice of course of study, they will also be tested on a general text: “Sweet Sixteen by Bolaji Abdullahi” for UTME and “In Dependence” by Sarah Ladipo Manyika for Direct Entry Candidates

9. Candidates/Officials would not be allowed to enter into the examination centre with wristwatch, Phone, electronic device, or any pen/biro. Only common pencil is allowed

10. Candidates are warned that the Board does not require nor authorise the services of ANY cyber cafe or establishment other than the accredited CBT centres for this exercise

We are now offering free updates to interested ones on they respective email addresses.

Are you confused or don’t know a lot about JAMB 2020/2021? Ask us a question about that by commenting below or tell us what you think about Jamb registration for next year by Sharing your opinion using the comment section down below.

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