List Of Schools That Accept Awaiting Result In JAMB For Admission in 2021. This page contains everything you need to know about schools that accept awaiting result and how to use awaiting result for admission in JAMB 2021.
Are you looking for the list of schools that accept awaiting result In JAMB 2021/2022 for admission? Then, you will find everything you need to know in this article.
The problem with many UTME candidates is that they are not properly informed. In this guide, I am going to tell you everything you need to know about using awaiting O’level result for JAMB registration and admission exercise.
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If you want to register and fill JAMB form, you may wondering if your school of choice accepts awaiting result.
I have seen some aspirants saying that some courses like Medicine and surgery, Pharmacy, law and Engineering courses do not allow awaiting result.
If you have heard anything like that, let go of it as if is very far from the TRUTH.
So, what’s the gist?
The truth is that EVERY school (Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of education and innovative enterprises) ACCEPT awaiting result. Continue reading to get the full gist.
What I am saying is that you can register for JAMB 2021 and fill ANY University, Polytechnic, College of education and course of your choice without having your O’level result at that time.
The BIGGEST MISTAKES UTME candidates make on the issue of awaiting result is that they don’t even understand what awaiting result really means or how to use it.
I am going to explain that in this article.
Still confused?
Calm down, take a seat and join me as I take you through the journey on how to use awaiting result for admission in 2021.
What Is An Awaiting Result?
It is not funny but some people still get the meaning of awaiting result wrong.
Now, I will quickly give a short but concise meaning of awaiting results.
An awaiting result is used to refer to:
- The result of an O’level examination you have done but the result has not yet been released AT ALL. For example, if you sat for WAEC/NECO GCE in 2020 and your result has not been released, then that is an awaiting result.
- The result of an O’level exam you have done but the result was withheld. If your NECO result was withheld, then that is also an awaiting result.
This is not very dependable as not all withheld results are released.
So, if your WAEC/NECO/WAEC GCE/NECO GCE 2020 result was withheld and you want to register for JAMB 2021, it will be a smart move to register for one of these exams in 2021.
- An O’level exam you have not done but will be doing very soon in 2021 so that it will be released before admission processes for your school of choice starts.
If you fall in any of the three (3) categories mentioned above, then you have an awaiting result and can register for JAMB 2021 without any problem.
This takes us to the question, “how can I use awaiting result for admission in 2021”.
How To Use Awaiting Result For Admission In 2021
All you need to do is to go to a JAMB accredited centre, pay for JAMB registration and fill your JAMB form.
When you get there, tell them you want to use awaiting result for registration.
Your registration will be done and you can sit for JAMB 2021.
See how to pass JAMB 2021 easily.
After your O’level result is released (before the admission for your school of choice starts), you will be REQUIRED to upload your O’level result on JAMB portal.
You might be wondering, “how do I upload my O’level result on JAMB portal”, see it below.
As soon as you upload your O’level result on JAMB portal, you are good to go!
Some people still say, “what if I don’t pass my WAEC/NECO in 2021?”
Well, that won’t be a surprise question from people that have not been visiting this blog. In some of my previous guides, I have already explained how to BLAST WAEC/NECO in on sitting without any expo!
- How To Pass WAEC And WAEC GCE 2021 In One Sitting
- The Secret To Pass NECO And NECO GCE Revealed
- Effective Study Tips: How To Study And Remember Everything
If you can digest and follow the secrets revealed in those articles, passing WAEC/NECO won’t be a problem.
Bottom Line
Every school in Nigeria accepts awaiting result in JAMB 2021 registration.
All you need to do is to upload your O’level result on JAMB portal after registration as soon as it is released.
- How To Upload O’level Result On JAMB Portal 2021
- List Of All Universities In Nigeria In 2021
- List Of Schools That Accept Third Choice For Admission
That is all on the topic, “List of schools that accept awaiting result and how to use awaiting result for admission”. I hope you enjoyed the article.
We love to hear from you. Use the comment section below if you have any question or opinion on the topic. Also, don’t forget to share it using the share buttons below.
when is neco going to released nasarawa state result that are yet 2 released?
If there is no trace of malpractices, it will be released very soon.
Sir does UI accept awaiting result coz am writing my neco June July and it’s like that’s the same date for UI post utme
Yes, UI accepts awaiting result.
Hello sir I am using awaiting result am afraid if I don’t upload the o level result before admission process I might lose the chance of gaining admission . your advice sir how can I go about it?
Your result will be released before the admission exercise begins
Am sara
Please can u gain admission with only ur jamb result
Yes, there are schools that do not conduct Post UTME
i bought jamb with awaiting results and wen it came out no lit, and I later found out dat, I can’t study the course I want without lit in eng, pls sir what else will do ?
Apply for JAMB change of course/institution.
can I use awaiting results in nursing school
Your result has to be ready before you gained admission
Sir did unilag accept awaiting result?
please if i register for napteb will the result be out before the Admission
Hello sir, I want to write Waecgce and am using awaiting result can I still be given admission
I put awaiting result neco GCE ad I going 2 fedpoly ado ekiti
Sir,i registered for 2019 jamb,but my o’level result is yet to complete and i want to write waec gce sept/oct 2019,will i be offer admission this year sir
The result may come out late before admission ends in your school.
I wrote waec this year can I still gain admission to auchi polytechnic this year
sir please does Unn still accept awaiting results
has northern Universities started to bring out their departmental cut off mark
I used awaiting o’level results for my DE registration but according to what I heard that DE has will I be able to upload my results?
I applied for Alex Ekwueme federal university ndufu alike ikwo.
And I’m writing neco don’t know if my result will be out before the admission date
Sir, I did 2019 jamb with awaiting result and I am presently doing my neco which the exam is still ongoing and the post utme form for my school of choice is already out and will be close by July 30 in which I don’t think the neco result will be out before the utme form Close.. Pls Sir, what are to do? I am scared and clueless
If your school Post UTME form closes and your NECO result is not out, you need to change your institution.
can unimed accept awaiting results and second choice,I choose aau as my first choice
I registered jamb with awaiting result
But I’m just writing neco, can I request for post utme or when the results is out
Sir,does Uniosun accept awaiting result because their post utme form will close on the 9th of August And will waec result be released before then?
I choose laspotech as third choice and am still writing neco can I do screening and get admission with awaiting results
Sir do Kenpoly accept awaiting results
Sir I choose fuoye their screening is ending on the 3rd of August an am using neco awaiting result wat shud I do
Please, if waec result is withheld and I want to do processing on Ibadan poly,pls wat % assurance that I may be admitted so that I may do GCE these year and submit to the portal later
Sir i wrote only waec and my jamb and utme score is up to required. But my only problem is that my waec result is been withheld. I applied for imo state university.
I can’t guess what my waec would look like although i know i did my best.
What if at the end of everything i am been given admission but my waec did not come out this year, would it affect my studies?
You will need to upload your WAEC result before the screening exercise
Am using waec GCE 2019 but the result has not been released and I choose fed poly ekiti and they have already pasted their admission list what should I do
sir please does schools of health accept awaiting result
Am doing awaiting results
Alright, just make sure you follow the instructions in the post.
Sir , I got a neck result, but the result is not perfect can any school takes my neco result
It depends on what subject you do not have yet
Please Sir I failed my maths in my waec and now I want to sit for neco is it possible for me to use awaiting result for part time.
Yes, sure
I already wrote waec in 2019 but still I don’t go along with my waec result and I have to use awaiting result when going to register .hope I am save
Yes, you are. Just make sure you upload the result as soon as the result is out.
Sir can I register jamb this year and register waec next year
Which O’level result do you plan to use for admission then?
You could.
Pls I use awaiting for this jamb can I buy the university form an go for the post utme
Make sure you upload your O’level before the Post UTME, it should be out by then.
sir am sitting for this year jamb,and my jamb is on waiting result,and I want to sit for neco will imsu accept it.
Yes, sure.
sir please will they released neco on time before schools started giving admission
I wrote Waec GCE BT d result is not. That good and I have already registered for jamb.if I should write neco GCE in October can I still meet the admission list
Why not register for WAEC or NECO instead? The NECO GCE will be too late to use it this year.
Please can u tell us admission date of oau medicine student
I do not understand your question.
I chose UNN with awaiting results for medicine and surgery. Will I Be Accepted?
Sure, just make sure you upload your O’level result on JAMB portal before the Post UTME form is released.
Sir please am using awaiting results in my 2020 jamb, can i go for my screening in uniuyo without my o level result, because am writing my neco this year
Please I registered for jamb 2020 and I use awaiting result, cause I’m not with my neco result while registering and I’ve done the exam at 2019. If I want to upload my result at jamb portal, can I use the exam result for 2019
Is it possible too inter university in Nigeria without jamb just waec an neco
Check the requirements if the school you want to transfer.
But, that’s unlikely
I wrote 2020 JAMB and am using awaiting result into Federal Polytechnic Nassarawa. am I good to go
Sure, just make sure you upload the O’level result as soon as it is out, most preferably before the Post UTME form comes out.
What of people that are still waiting to write the ssce in 2020?
As long as the result is released before the Post UTME starts, there is still no problem.
Sir pls i currently registered for waec 2020,and i also registered for jamb with an awaiting result… i also wrote waec in 2015 bt i failed literature and dats y am writing again this year… sir just incase this one is not also good,can i use my 2015 waec result to go 4 screening?…since i registered jamb with awaiting result, is it possible to use an old result?
Yes, when your new WAEC result comes out. If you decide to use the 2015 own, you will just simply upload the 2015 result on JAMB portal and you can use it for screening. There is no problem with that.
Please sir , I used awaiting result and I scored 208 in jamb , is there any hope for admission into Ambrose Alli University to study medicine and surgery ?
The score is too low for Medicine and surgery.
Pls sir, i picked geography as one of my subject combinations for mass comm alongside literature, government and english. And i scored 240. Do you think its a good choice for BSUM.
Check JAMB brochure for the course combination for BSUM.
I wrote 2020 jamb and I’m using awaiting result into kwarapoly
Will I be accepted with my awaiting result
Sir i sat for the jamb this 2020 with awaiting result and i made it . and i also registre for necothis yr would thé result be released before utme screening.
Dear sir I had neco result 2019 then, I wanna to write WAEC 2021 can i get admission into FUGASHUA with NECO result……..
Sir pls will Uni abuja accept neco awaiting results and can someone study there with 190 as cut off mark and accounting as a course
Sir have sit for my jamb this year,and have not wrote my waec, did they accept me in (naub) for using awaiting result this year.
Yes but your result must be available before you can apply for the Post UTME.
Sir, pls I wrote waec 2018 and my economics result was not recorded in my certificate and it one of the important subject for my courses, I put awaiting result for jamb because I want write GCE will I gain admission with the waec result
Sir considering the fact that waec and neco exams were indefinitely postponed, how possible is it for someone that used awaiting result, because the exam is yet to start and post utme forms will be out any moment,.
Good morning sir, I have got my jamb score 171 but my English and literature in waec is d7 but I want to write gce don’t know if Lagos polytechnic will accept me??
Pls sir, usman danfodio university sokoto accept awaiting result in jamb?
Sir, I apply awaiting results for my jamb registration..and i want to use sit for wassce private candidate examination…my question is: can I still get admission into eksu or lasu this year sir
Without getting your O’level results before the admission closes, you cannot.
Does yabatech accept awaiting results?
You have to upload your O’level result during the admission form application.
Sir i wrote jamb and i scored 242 But i applied with awaiting result … i wish to change my school of choice to last and am using NEco as the waiting result….will neco result be released before last start giving admission?
I am not sure about that but WAEC results should be released before then. Also, it depends on your school’s admission starting and ending date.
I had d7 in english in my waec and am about to sit for this 2020 neco and I use awaiting result in jamb registration will I be able to collect yabatech post utme form due to this pendamic
Sir pls i filled in a wrong subject when applying for post utme and it is an awaiting result, sir pls if i upload a different result after my waec 2020 result has been released will it affect my admission process in any way. Pls i need an urgent answer
Try to find a way to edit the subject.
Greetings sir, Pls I want to use my neco result Since my waec is not okay enough but am yet to write it Before I can upload the result so my question is do laspotech accept awaiting result cause I don’t wanna stay at home this year pls. Do they accept awaiting result?
The issue is that you must be able to upload the result before the screening.
Please sir did offa poly accept awaiting results
sir i upload a wrong jamb result in my post utme sreening exam
sir is they any thing i will do about that
and do u no when is waec result is coming out
WAEC result will come out about 45 days after the exam ends. Contact your school admission office.
Sir I sat for jamb this year
Yes I scored 222 for Laspotech first choice and am here to do my neco
Have not uploaded my o’level result and post utme form close on the 21 of September
And you were not allowed to use awaiting result during the Post UTME application?
Does offapoly accept awaiting result of nabteb 2020,the nabteb is starting september 21,and the offapoly form is closing on sept 13,can the result work
Pls can i register and sit for post utme in buk with awaiting result? and if am only going to write neco by this year.
Please.. sir
Does kaduna polutechnic accept awaiting result
please I was using awaiting result , so now Redeemer poly give me admission without me uploading my olevel results please what can I do now?
You have to upload your O’level result on JAMB portal once it is out.
Sir am writing waec now and I want to do online screening will jamb accept awaiting result for unijos
Why is kwara poly not accepting awaiting result I though polytechnic use to accept it
I have my jamb results already and I want to right neco how will do and I want to get admitted this year please help out
Please sir does WDU accept awaiting result?coz i wrote waec dis year
Do laspotech tales awaiting result
Sir I wrote my jamb this year.and am using awaiting result and the school I chossed ibarapa polytechnic form is out am I allow to apply for it
Did ibarapa poly is collecting awaiting result