How To Study For JAMB 2022 And Pass Excellently Like No One’s Business (25 Practical Tips I Personally Used)

read for waec examination

Do you want to know the secrets to study for JAMB 2022 and pass excellently? If yes, then you are on the right part of the internet.


Let me quickly show you something.

my jamb result
What you are seeing is my JAMB result back in 2018

As you can see, I scored 337 in my JAMB UTME back in 2018!

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And because of that, I am studying my desired course currently.

Now, I am going to show you the EXACT same strategies I used to prepare for JAMB UTME.

The best part about this?

The tips I am about to give you have worked perfectly well for the people who followed my blog and used the secret in the past few UTMEs and will definitely work for you too if you use the the right way.

If you really want to prepare for JAMB 2021/2022 and pass easily, then you need to learn effective study tips that work!

If you fail to use the right strategy, it may l lead to tragedy. I’m not joking, this is not a comedy. But, as I have promised, I have a remedy.

Before I start dishing out the tips, here’s my little advice for you:

Try to read every part of this article in order not to miss anything out. 

Trust me, you are going to love it.

PS: While every point in this article is very important, the most important one is the last point. Once you miss it, you miss it all.

No time for long stories, let’s get started.



So, here’s the thing:

The books you read for JAMB will determine how effective your study will be.

I laugh when I see people reading any Physics, Chemistry or Biology textbook that comes their way.

reading a bad book

From what I have seen, it doesn’t end so well at the end of the day.

Personally, I will advise you to use JAMB recommended textbooks.

You can always rely on these textbooks to give you what you need.

In case you don’t know, JAMB also set their questions from these textbooks.

Listen, it is not compulsory for you to use JAMB recommended textbooks before you can pass.

I didn’t use the recommended textbooks to prepare for my JAMB Use Of English and I passed it (although I used them for Physics, Chemistry and Biology)

I used the “The Invisible Teacher by Dele Ashade“. I will recommend that book to anyone preparing for JAMB Use of English. 

So many people have aced their JAMB Use of English with that textbook (including me)

What I am trying to say is, “If you have a textbook that is not recommended and you are sure it is good enough to pass JAMB, go ahead and use it

What if you don’t know if the textbook is good enough, your best bet is still to use JAMB recommended textbooks.

The question you may want to ask is, “where can I get JAMB recommended textbooks?”

SEE: JAMB Recommended Textbooks 2022 For All Subjects

Now, let’s move on.


If you want to study for JAMB effectively, you need to plan your study.

PS: I didn’t write down a study timetable back then because it was in my head.

Some of my friends that also scored very high back then used it.

I just knew what I am supposed to read and when I am supposed to read it.

So, indirectly, I had a very strategic way of reading like someone who had a timetable, but really, I didn’t write it in a note.

For most people, it helps when you write it down and follow it diligently.

Before you start drafting out your time, note the following:

  • Give more time to subjects you find difficult
  • Count the number of topics you have to read
  • Leave out 4 weeks to your exam for revision

Now, I want you to think about the subjects you are not very good at or that you don’t like really much.

Are you still following me? Good, let’s move on.


Your environment is another factor you need to consider.

In order to study effectively for JAMB, you need to choose environment that best suites you.

It may be a library, your room or just anywhere that you find comfortable for studying.

If you’ll ask me, I will personally recommend a library.

I read for my JAMB at Simeon Adebo Library in Abeokuta, Ogun State and it helped with like never before. In fact, I had to leave my hometown to live my Brother in Abeokuta where it is very close to the library.

Here are some of the reasons to study for JAMB in a library:

  • You have access to some textbooks you cannot afford or that you just need to for short-term consultation
  • You get to meet other Brainiacs that are also preparing for JAMB there and hence, you will gain one thing or the other from them too

Now, don’t get it twisted. It is not compulsory to study in a library but the thing is – It may just be the best place.


I don’t think I can explain how much importance you need to give to JAMB syllabus while studying for your UTME (but I will try)

JAMB syllabus is what I personally call “Real JAMB expo”.

Just looking at the JAMB expo, you know what the questions will be and what it can never be.

QUICK TIP: If you can FINISH all the topics in the syllabus (including the sub-topics in the syllabus), then you are good to go.  

Notice how I stressed FINISH?

Yes, I did that because I don’t mean reading the syllabus like someone who wants to fail JAMB.


Believe it or not, I had friends who “completed” the JAMB syllabus but didn’t “finish” it and so they didn’t score high enough.

You have to finish the syllabus before the syllabus finishes you.

You may be wondering, what is the difference?

Don’t worry, by the time you read this article to the end, you will have learnt “how to complete JAMB syllabus” in 2021.

That takes us to the next important point which is…


One of the biggest mistakes UTME candidates make is waiting for JAMB registration to start before commencing their preparation.

If you are still asking the question, “When is the best time to start preparing for JAMB?

Yesterday was the best time to start preparing for UTME, today is the second option, it is better to start today than to wait till JAMB registration starts.

The earlier, the better and the higher your chances of passing JAMB.  

I won’t dwell too much on that but, if by now, you have not started preparing for JAMB, you are already getting it wrong and you need to get it right.

After all, the secret of getting ahead is getting started.


  • Are you still finding yourself watching that television for 8 hours every day?
  • Do you still waste valuable time on social networks without any purpose?
  • Do your friends still come to visit you every day and spend the whole day playing/chatting? – or vice-versa

These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself if you are really serious about passing JAMB 2021/2022.

These things seriously deprive you reasonable amount of time you can invest in studying.

I am not telling you to send your friends away. 

It all depends on the type of friends you have.

If they are the type that are also seriously studying for their JAMB exam, being around them will help as you can even discuss things you study when you meet.

If they are the type that always want to play and gist and waste time, you may need to pull out at least temporarily till h=after your exam.

Like I said earlier, When I was preparing for JAMB, I had to leave my home to stay with my brother.

Trust me, it really helped me.

I didn’t have any friends that could distract except the new friends I met at the library where I studied for JAMB then.

Also, minimize and reduce the amount of time you spend on social media.

Here’s a quick tip for that.

Give yourself time to use the social media platforms AFTER YOU FINISH studying. Make it seem like a reward for a good work done you have done.

That will even help your studying. Cool, right? Let’s move on.  


  • How many topics in all do you have in your textbooks? 
  • How many times do you want to complete each textbook before your UTME? – I completed each of my textbooks at least twice!
  • How much time do you have left to complete your mission?
  • At what pace must you study in order to achieve this?

These are some of the questions you need to ask yourself today.

This will give you a sense of whether you are out of time or not.

This is why you will need to start early enough and also use the official JAMB syllabus 2021/2022.  


Now, you know what you need to cover and how much time you have left, the next thing is to break down your work.

Before each study session, make sure to list all the topics you need to cover that day.

Here are some useful tips to do this right:

Give yourself more work than necessary in each study session.

Set targets that you think you cannot achieve each day.

Make sure you actually work towards achieving more than you think you can each day.

If you end up achieving more than you thought you could achieve, good for you.

If not, wait for another day.

Try this and you’ll be amazed at how effective this is (and you will find out that you can actually do more than you think you can do)

One more thing.

Always have the mindset of being behind schedule.

If your exam will be in January, make sure you complete all you need to in November or less! Leave out a month or more before your examination.


The period between 4 weeks to your examination is very crucial.

This period should be the time you set out to revise everything you have read.

You should have completed your textbooks before this time.

 If your dream is too SHALLOW, you may end up tasting the SHADOW


I stated the fact that where you study for JAMB is very important, that’s not all.

When you study is also another important factor. On the time factor, there are 3 categories of students:

  • Day readers
  • Night readers
  • Day and night readers

Some people understand more during the day, some at night while some will read anytime and understand!

Anyone that works for you, stick to it!

Don’t be influenced by others, do what works for you effectively. If you claim to be a day reader, make sure you study sufficiently during the day.

Same thing for applies to night readers.

Some say that the best time to read is very early in the morning.

Personally, anyone works for me though I prefer day reading.

So, discover yourself and do what works!  

PS: You may think you know what works for you and you really don’t know.

So, before you make this judgement, make sure you try out both day and night reading.


The way you study Mathematics should be different from how you study English or other subjects.

You need to learn effective study tips that work for each subject.

If you don’t learn different study strategies to study each subject, then you will find it difficult to study effectively.  


If you drop your phone now and start reading because of the adrenaline you have gathered so far, well you will read together.

But, reading tomorrow and beyond, that is where the issue is.

The problem of many student is that they find it difficult making studying an habit.

If you are the type that turns on and off like a switch, then you have not started studying for JAMB.

If you really want to study and pass JAMB 2021/2022, then you have to be consistent.

Read every single day or at least 5 times in a week.

I used to read mainly on Working days and rest during the weekend. 

At a point, I started using my Saturdays to solve past questions mainly (although I did solve them while studying on working days too).

Sunday? I rest, watch T.V and enjoy time with my family at home.

At a point, I couldn’t do without studying at least 6 hours from Monday – Friday.

And I did that for about 5 months!

It is your DIRECTION not INTENTION leads you to your DESTINATION.

Believe me, it will become an easy routine once you do it for the first 3 weeks.


Marking out key points in your textbooks help you to remember them more.

It also help you to focus more on them the next time you want to read.

Do this for key concepts you always want to remember and see how it will help you remember more.  


It has been scientifically proven that writing down helps to remember more.

After completing a subheading or few paragraphs, close your textbook and try to rewrite everything you have read so far.

This will not only help you to remember more, it will also help you to discover the parts you don’t fully understand/remember yet. With this, you can easily go over it again.

But, here is the catch.

Be honest with yourself while using this technique. It can only work out the way you expect it to when you use it the right way.

Try as much as possible to rewrite in your own words (the way you understand) without checking your textbook.

Also, don’t start writing down every single sentence immediately after reading it (this way, you are only cramming and pouring it down).

Make sure you have gone over few things before you start writing down in your own words the way you understand!

If you get that, then let’s move on. If not, go over it again.  


After reading for some time, things start getting tough.

Moving on becomes difficult, you start getting some stop signals in your head.

cannot do it

Don’t mind those people you see read for 6 straight hours without taking break(s).

It may not be as effective.

When this happens, don’t force things! Just take a break doing something you like to do.

take a study break

I like to take a short walk outside or quickly reply my Whatsapp messages.

It doesn’t mean you are not serious, it only means you know how to study effectively for JAMB.

As soon as you do any of these things, you get over them and you feel motivated to continue once again.

However, you need to be careful while doing this.

Don’t get too obsessed with the break, get back as soon as you feel good to continue the journey.  

Now, let’s move on.


When you discuss with friends, you are sure to understand and remember more.

There are different ways to discuss with friends.

You may ask questions and allow them to answer.

You may tell them to ask you questions and see if you can reply.

You can ask well teach it to them.

Trust me, you will never forget what you teach to somebody.

You will even understand the things you don’t fully understand initially.

I have used this technique over and over and it works very well.

Actually, it works for everyone.  


This is another effective study tip to study for JAMB and pass excellently. Ask yourself questions like:

  • Why is this like this?
  • What is the author trying to explain here?
  • Do I fully understand the concept of this topic?
  • Have I covered everything I need to cover?

Make sure you get an answer to all these questions and you are definitely on your way to spank JAMB 2021/2022.  

This is where you need to learn how to use the Internet for something good. 

I was closer to Google than any other thing on my phone back then.


It is not everything that you read that you will need to understand.

There are some parts that you need to memorise.

Do not misquote me: I said memorise and not cram.

I am not going to advise you to cram for JAMB, I will rather teach you how to memorise and not forget even after your UTME.

Surprised? Don’t be! I will quickly show you my most effective memory tip!

I have been using this for a while and I have never been disappointed.

In fact, I am still using it here in Obafemi Awolowo University where I am currently studying Pharmacy.

do not cram, memorise

So, what’s the small but powerful secret?


That’s what and use to memorize and not forget.

If you have not been using this, then you are missing a lot!

If you still don’t know how to use mnemonics to memorize, read this article. (opens in a new tab)

Song is another good memory tip! Songs can also help you memorize difficult things for a long period of time.

Most science students can never forget the Avogrado’s law (you know that song, right?) – If No, you are probably not in the sciences.

Those Nursery school rhymes, we would have forgotten most of them before the examination time if not for songs!

But, with songs, you still remember some of them if you are asked 8 years from now!

I wasn’t good at turning my notes into songs, but Mnemonics? I was just good and you can do it too.


Apart from JAMB syllabus, JAMB past questions are another sure JAMB expo you can get and pass JAMB.

If anyone tells you that JAMB repeat past questions, they are partly right and here’s why.

Some years back, JAMB repeats past questions word-for-word.

Now, things have changed but some UTME candidates haven’t realized this.

Some of them just cram JAMB past questions and answers without reading textbook.

This is one of the reasons why students fail JAMB.

The best way to use JAMB past questions series is to complete a topic in a textbook and then solve questions under that topic.

You may also want to solve each series by year.

Just make sure you don’t cram answers (some answers are actually wrong).

Make sure you understand the questions and make reference to your textbooks if you are in doubt.  



Keep the difficult tasks for the early time.

This is the time your energy is fully restored and you are ready to work.

Use this time to study the subjects you find most difficult or those that require your full concentration.

Personally, I like to read Biology/Chemistry first.

Then, when you start feeling exhausted, pick up the subjects that you find interesting or easy to understand.

I can read Physics even when I am totally out of my comfort zone.  


Nobody knows it all, that’s the fact.

If you need help with anything you find difficult, swallow your pride and seek for help.

Don’t hurt yourself all in the name of pride, learn the act of asking for help!  


One of the biggest mistake you can make while studying for JAMB is to not get enough sleep. If you are a day reader, make sure you read sufficiently during the day and get enough sleep at night.

If you are a night reader, get enough sleep during the day after burning the midnight candle.  


Make sure you reward yourself for every job well-done. It will help to motivate you to do more.

Set a goal, work towards achieving it and if you do, reward yourself.  


You don’t have to depend completely on your textbooks.

There are some things you will find it JAMB past questions which are not in your textbooks.

Or somethings, they are there but you don’t seem to understand clearly.

Make reference to other textbooks or just use internet resources to find out more about it.

You can search Google for the topic or you can also watch YouTube videos.

The problem of students is that they don’t know how to use the resources available to them to facilitate their studies.  


Remember I told you to complete all your textbooks a month to your examination? You should use the remaining one month to revise everything you’ve read so far(especially those that you find difficult or can easily forget).  


I don’t need to say too much on this, you should understand what I mean already.


Reading this article and knowing the secrets is one thing, following the act diligently is even more important.

Thousands of other students have also read this article, but most of them still failed.

Do you know why?

Only a few part of those who read this will take action, while the remaining ones will forget everything and get lost on their day-to-day activities as soon as they close this tab.

After all, Eleanor Roosevelt said It is easier said than done.

The question is – Which category will you fall in?

  • The majority who will not take actions and spread rumours that JAMB reduced their scores after failing woefully?


  • The very few ones that will take actions and let their performance do the talking?

The choice is up to you.


If you really want to study for JAMB and pass excellently, you need to be committed fully.

The most important thing is to take actions as soon as you finish reading this article. 

If you do that, you will soon realise that JAMB UTME is as simple as anything.

Now, if you enjoyed the topics, make sure you share it using the share buttons below. If you have any question, comment or additional tip, the comment section is free to use.

That is all for now on the topic, “How to study for JAMB and pass effectively”.

64 Comments on “How To Study For JAMB 2022 And Pass Excellently Like No One’s Business (25 Practical Tips I Personally Used)”


  2. Thanks for the tips
    Cause its interesting and helps.
    I pray to abide by the steps and woul start from now.
    thanks once more

  3. Thanks so much sir
    Although I started my preparation early enough, I want to know if one can start preparing three months to the examination.
    Please I need an answer. It is urgent

  4. Thanks so much, this really helpful… But please can I get your contact(WhatsApp number) I need more advice because I’m so much addictive to social media and that’s what stopping me from reading. My WhatsApp +2347057879133 thank you once again

  5. Thenks bro, dis really raise my adrenaline to study hard
    Pls bro can i get ur number, as for me i dont av anybody to meet for further explanation cuz i live alone and i don’t go out
    Micheal ade tomiwa is my Facebook username

  6. I don’t even know what to say but I know you are God sent have read one of your article too from hitleaners blog it was dope too thank you for this article

  7. Hello mr soneye, i want ask on how i can balance preparing for jamb with my normal school work.
    I mean preparing for the next year jamb while I am ss2.

  8. Hello mr soneye, I want to ask on how one can balance preparing for jamb and the school work one is doing everyday.
    I mean if one is in sss2 and have started preparing for jamb now, how can one balance it that it would not affect any ?

    1. You can study for JAMB when you come back from school. But, to be honest, you are going to have to make a little sacrifice of your sleep at night to make the studying sufficient.

      It all depends on how free you are after school.

  9. Thanks for the information

    Pls u made mention of asking help from others so pls can u be of help to me???? If u accept, this is my Facebook user name “ltz Hossana Love”
    Thanks for your help

  10. Thank u very much dear. Please can u tell us the info on Jamb registration form and exam… I’m so worry about it

    1. As soon as any information is released, I will start posting on the blog. Make sure you join the newsletter.

      For now, I will advise you to go and register and get your NIN slip before the registration starts, you will need it. If you wait till registration starts, there will be a very long queue.

  11. Thanks a lot I pray next year a come out in flying colours ,and I pray I will be Audacious enough to stand up and read harder and also follow your advice .May God continue to bless you. Thanks I appreciate

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