Simple Ways to Protect Your System Against Cyber Attacks [Basics]

Simple ways to prevent cyber attacks

One of the biggest threats to companies in today’s world is the risk of cyber-attacks. Far too often, we see on the news that another company has been hit by hackers and they are being asked to pay a ransom in order for their IT systems to be unlocked.  It is unfortunate that a lot of companies have to cave with these hackers and pay the ransom that have been requested, as the reliability of their IT systems in the workplace is the key – without it, they come to a halt.

As with any IT system, there are risks. It is important that these risks are understood, and mitigation put in place to ensure that there are maximum protection. Electronic board design software packages pose the same risk, however, there are several things that they put in place to help try and mitigate or at least minimize falling into the same unwanted situation.

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Secured Downloads

You will find that reputable companies, such as Altium, ask their users to download their software from their website rather than send them out as installation discs. Installation software discs is something that is not popular in 2019 and, in fact, a lot of laptops that are produced nowadays don’t even have the option to insert discs. Any software packages that you want to have installed on the computer must be done via a download.

You can be assured that the software package has taken lots of measures to be sure that the downloads of either the original software packages, free trials, or even the updates to current packages are secure, or the risk of uploading a virus is very low.

It is important though to check what company you are providing your data to, or that you are accessing its website on the internet. There are some unregistered companies (or fake companies) on the internet that will try to entice web surfers to “download” their software, when in fact there is no software to download and that what is being downloaded is a virus to your computer.

Even by getting a virus on your own computer this can spread very quickly to the network you are connected to, paving ways for the virus to even access multiple connected users personal emails, banking, and other personal data on the network.

Virus protection plays a part in making sure that this does not happen, so it is important to ensure that you have this in place, but it is also extremely important to continually update so as to protect the system or network against newly-developed viruses.

Transfer Of Files

The days are now also disappearing where users are required to store files on their hard disk drives or make transfers from one computer to another. Technology has advanced quite significantly over the past few years so that the storage capacity of these systems are no longer important.

This has included things such as  cloud storage that allow users from anywhere in the world that is connected to the network to be able to directly access shared files.

It is important that for your system you take simple preventative measures, which includes ensuring that your password is robust, and that it is changed frequently.

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