Top 5 Female Scientist Notable for Cancer Treatment and Prevention

Whenever you’re on the look out for scientists and other notable people who have immensely made meaningful contributions to the near-conducive continual existence of humanity, I believe you’re subconsciously looking out to see men and read their names as the odds in this regard are usually piled up against women.

However, there are many female scientists who have contributed greatly to science, tech, biology, medicine, and more. But you just have never heard about them.

In today’s article, we shall be focusing on some world-class, high-profile, excellent female scientists and researchers who have dedicated their aim and study to the field of modern medicine, and to the common goal of researching and fighting cancer.

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  1. Katie Hunt

Katie Hunt is a scientist and a renowned archaeologist. She co-founded the Paleo-Oncological Research Organization which is a connection of oncologists, cancer researchers and archaeologists working in uniform to develop scientific research standards and techniques to understand and fight cancer when she was diagnosed with cancer of the ovaries at 22.

Hunt, along with other women in the field, has contributed greatly to this purpose and has changed the life of many through education on cancer awareness, and continual research for measures of treating and preventing the disease.

2. Elizabeth Jaffee

Elizabeth Jaffee is a scientist and oncologist who picked up interest in learning about cancer when a brother of her grandmother developed lung cancer. While working in her college laboratory studying the human immune system, she discovered that cancer could be fought with the human immune system. This discovery led her to medical school and further study of cancer. Guided by her discoveries she is a mentor to many young men and women young women and men who are beneficiaries from her cancer research, treatment and prevention agenda.

Elizabeth Jaffee has been making great efforts to turn on the immune system, and see it serve as a means to provide effective treatments for patients with cancer. Her works have led to the approval of 25+ immunotherapies for the treatment of cancers that were previously known to be deadly. Now she works to involve more people who will work to better the lives of people living with cancer, and as well, find a measure to completely defeat the disease.

3. Mary-Claire King

A Professor of Medicine and Genetics in the University of Washington School of Medicine, Mary-Claire King discovered, suggested and proved that breast cancer can be inherited.

She currently works as a genetics to see how genetically transferred breast cancer can be stalled and prevented.

4. Janet Rowley

Janet Rowley is a Professor of Medicine at the University of Chicago Medical Center’s Division of Hematology and Oncology.

In 1972, she discovered a cause of many forms of cancer while studying a system of translocation of chunks between two chromosomes in a leukemiapatient’s chromosome images. Janet Rowley believes that this process of translocation brings together, two genes that are normally far apart. This develops a new gene that turns the cell malignant.

The physician believes that on studying the patterns of such genes and learning what they do, more drug treatments for cancer could be developed.

5. Jane C. Wright

One of the most notable female scientists who lived in dedication to the fight against cancer was Jane Cooke Wright. She was a cancer researcher who made significant, breathtaking contributions to chemotherapy. She is best known for the development of techniques that involves the use of human tissue culture rather than lab mice to conduct extensive examinations for the effects of potential drugs on cancer cells. She is also well known for her study on tumours and various treatment drugs for cancerous cells, and also as the pioneer of the use of methotrexate for the treatment of cancers of the skin and breast.

Through out the days of her career, Dr. Jane Wright lived and worked with groups of cancer researchers and scientists who under her leadership, travelled to China, many parts of Europe and Africa to treat cancer patients, while seeking to discover more ways to fight and defeat cancer.

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