WAEC Syllabus 2022/2023 PDF Download For All Subjects And How To Use It

WAEC syllabus

WAEC Syllabus 2022 PDF download For All Subjects And Likely Questions (Mathematics, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Government, History, Accounting, Economics & over 100 subjects) – Latest WAEC syllabus for all subjects 2022

waec syllabus 2021/2022 pdf download for all subjects

Are you looking for WASSCE syllabus 2022/2023 for all subjects? Do you want to see the list of topics you are required to read to prepare for WAEC and pass? If yes, you will find everything in this article.

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This article contains WAEC 2022 syllabus PDF download for Mathematics, English Language, Chemistry, Government, Biology, CRK, IRK, Physics, Economics, Further Mathematics, Agricultural science, Commerce, Geography and all other subjects.

On this page, you will find the PDF download link for WAEC syllabuses for over 100 subjects in the science, commercial and art departments.

WAEC SSCE syllabus 2022, download WASSCE syllabus 2022/2023, WAEC questions and answers, WAEC topics to read and pass for all subjects, likely questions in WAEC 2022 exam, WASSCE syllabus for science and answers e.t.c

Latest WAEC News 2022 Update: The 2021 WAEC timetable for the Senior Secondary School Examination (SSCE) has been released online. Follow the link below to access it.

WAEC Syllabus 2022/2023 PDF Download For All Subjects

Below is the complete list of WAEC 2022/2023 syllabus for all subjects as found on the official WAEC portal – www.waecdirect.org arranged in alphabetical order:

In order news, WAEC 2022 will start on April 1, 2022. 

What You Will Find In WAEC Syllabus 2022 Pdf


In the syllabus, you will find the aims and objectives of each subject. A very good example can be found in the screenshot below (extracted from chemistry syllabus)

waec syllabus aims and objectives



The examination scheme shows you what the WAEC examination question for each subject will look like.

For example, there are some subjects where you sit for two parts (theory and objectives) and some, three (objectives, theory and practical).

The WAEC examination scheme will also show you how many questions you will find in each part and how many you are required to answer.

For example. There are usually 50 objective questions from the Part 1 (objectives). See the screenshot below:

waec examination scheme


This is the real deal of the syllabus. The majority of the syllabuses contain the list of topics and sub-topics where questions will come out from in WAEC 2021.

When you are preparing for WAEC, you want to make sure to complete all the topics listed in the syllabus.


That is where WAEC examiners will set their questions in 2021. So, if you are looking for WAEC expo, the syllabus is the only thing you need.


This is the second real deal in the syllabus. At the end of the syllabus, you will find the list of recommended textbooks for WAEC (suggested reading list by WAEC examiners).

If you wish to prepare and pass WAEC 2021 like a boss, make sure you use WAEC recommended textbooks 2021 to prepare.

waec recommended textbooks 

How To Use WASSCE Syllabus 2022 To Pass

It is not about downloading the syllabus. The real question is, “How do I use the syllabus to pass WAEC in 2021?” Now, I am going to show you how.

  1. Check out all the topics you are required to read: First, you need to know where the topics will come from. If you can study these topics very well, answering WAEC questions will be quite easy.
  2. Use the recommended textbooks: The best books to read for WAEC are the suggested reading lists recommended by WAEC examiners.

I have seen people who read textbooks that are not so standard and end up failing. In fact, that is one of the 10 reasons why people fail WAEC examination.

To get these textbooks, download the syllabus in the links provided at the beginning of this article and scroll down to the very last page. You will find the recommended textbooks there.

Why You Should Use WAEC Syllabus In 2022

  1. It is the only guaranteed WAEC expo you need to pass
  2. You can find the list of best WAEC SSCE textbooks there
  3. From the syllabus, you can predict questions that will come out


Trust me, using WAEC syllabus + good textbooks is the simple secret to pass WAEC 2022 with straight A’s.

I really hope you enjoyed the article. If you have any question, use the comment section below. Don’t forget to share the article using the share buttons below.

19 Comments on “WAEC Syllabus 2022/2023 PDF Download For All Subjects And How To Use It”

  1. I love this website, and I always want to use this website because I want to become a successful person in taking WASSEC

  2. It’s a very nice and a comprehensive syllabus. However, Arabic is not included as a subject. Can you please update it?

  3. Am so glad to come across this page. Thanks for the sacrifices in putting up this and one can have access to syllabus.

    1. Click on any of the subjects you wish to download in the post and the download will start immediately. The syllabus is the current one.

  4. I appreciate your work, I am marah from sierra leone, but I need some PDF of the recommended books of the science subjects for waec.thank you CEO.

    1. Thanks Marah

      Most of the textbooks are written by Nigerian (or at least an African) author, and that means you will almost not find the PDF around.

      I’ve never seen a PDF copy of most of the textbooks.

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